518 results for pay

Pay the Bookseller! Why C.E.O. James Daunt Won’t Save Barnes & Noble

Pay the booksellers. When the people you employ have to launch a petition to ask for a living wage, that’s a problem. Amazon capitalizes on those who fail to value the valuable. They poached the authors and they aren’t above poaching the best of B&N’s retail people and offering better PAY.

Pay the WRITER 2—Out-Hustle the Hustlers

So last week I discussed the new and fairly grim reality for many creatives. I pointed out the big picture of what’s really going on in the New Publishing Paradigm—The Matrix. Playing a short, blonde, sassy Morpheus from Texas…I offered a choice… The Blue Pill—get paid in exposure dollars and empty promises. OR the Red …

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Welcome to The Matrix: You Work for FREE & There IS No Payday

This post is for creative professionals (namely writers) who desire to make a living writing full time being paid real money. If you’re writing simply for fun or enjoyment or love, then that’s wonderful! But if you long to be paid to do what you love, then read on because you work for free and there IS …

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Pay the Writer Part 2—Blood Diamonds & Fair Trade Fiction

I think consumers could change publishing if we let them. If we stopped assuming they didn’t care, that all they wanted was cheap books no matter the consequences.

PAY THE WRITER—Pirates, Used Bookstores & Why Writers Need to Stand Up for What's Right

And when bookstores go around bragging to The Washington Post about how much profit they make because the margins are so much better than NEW books and expect me the author to bite on some Book-Buying-Trickle-Down-Economics wrapped up with an “It’s Culture” ribbon? NO!