Category: Girl Friday

The Book Blurb—An Invitation Readers Simply Can’t Turn Down

If the cover is an invitation to the party in your book, then the blurb (the back cover description, the summary, whatever you want to call it) is the RSVP card readers check off as attending-with-the-chicken-option when they buy your book. The trouble is that for so many books, while the cover is invites you …

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Girl Friday: ROAD TRIP! The Holiday Trav-L-Park Writer’s Conference

So…Kristen locked all the blog doors. She even locked the blog’s ground floor windows. HOWEVER, she forgot that I am a rock climber! I just did a little dyno, a little manteling, and a little down-climbing, and I was in. And she thought I couldn’t do this on a road trip! *evil cackle* Anyway, once …

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