Category: Success

Self-Sabotage: I Don’t Deserve Success

Self-sabotage is something most writers are likely familiar with. We just about get in the habit of working on the WIP and then suddenly we put everyone and everything ahead of finishing that book.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing & Increase Sales

Sales can be scary, so today, I’m going to give you three ways to instantly improve your writing and also sell more books. 

Small Steps & The Value of Simply SHOWING UP

Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything in life, yet they’re also the most underestimated. They are too easy to overlook or dismiss.

Sales: How Can You Sell More Books When You’re Terrified of Selling?

Sales can be one of the most terrifying words in the English language. If one happens to be a creative professional, let’s just multiply that fear level by ten…or a thousand.

Commitment Matters: The Art of Embracing ‘The SUCK’

commitment, Steven Pressfield, how to become an author, Kristen Lamb, writing

I’ve learned that we need to first, test ourselves to even have an idea of our limits. Yet, even once that’s done, never underestimate what your commitments might actually demand.