Category: Writer Wellness

Amazing Grace: What Do We Do When We’re Our Own Worst Critic?

Grace is a two-way street. I can’t authentically give what I won’t accept myself. When I don’t accept the kindness of others, or I feel I have to match their gesture with my own, it’s like someone handing me a gift and me trying to hand them money to pay for it.

Show Me the Honey: Three Ways to Bee Relentless

Last time we talked about this all too common word ‘busy’ and why it makes my left eye twitch. When I was writing this last post, I thought about the common idiomatic phrase we use: He was busy as a bee. I find it odd we’d choose to call bees busy. Bees are not at ALL …

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Busy: A Small Word Sending a HUGE Distress Signal

Busy, busy, busy. Aside from ‘parsnip‘ I’m beginning to think my new trigger word is ‘busy.’ A couple posts ago, I took on the insidious lie about us being able to ‘find time’. There’s this generally accepted delusion that time is something we can find. No, time isn’t lost. We are. We can’t find time, …

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The Success Paradox: Programmed to Fail or Fly?

Lorenzo Cafaro, success paradox, Kristen Lamb, New Year's resolutions, science of success, neuroscience and success

We are now in 2018 and the months ahead are like a fresh notebook. January marks a new start, another chance to go after our dreams and goals. It is human to long for success, yet success can be highly vexing and even more elusive. Why? Simple. We must understand the success paradox or all our …

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Girl Friday: ROAD TRIP! The Holiday Trav-L-Park Writer’s Conference

So…Kristen locked all the blog doors. She even locked the blog’s ground floor windows. HOWEVER, she forgot that I am a rock climber! I just did a little dyno, a little manteling, and a little down-climbing, and I was in. And she thought I couldn’t do this on a road trip! *evil cackle* Anyway, once …

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