Category: Character

Drama: Three Simple Ways to HOOK Audiences

drama, dramatic tension, conflict, how to hook an audience, writing tips, Kristen Lamb

Drama needs to be in all content we create. It’s the perfect human bait, guaranteed to hook audiences faster than cocaine-laced kittens.

Fight Scenes: Deep Cover & How to Write the Good Fight

If we can stab with it, it’s a weapon. If we can jab with it, it’s a weapon. If we can use it to hit someone, it’s a weapon. If we can throw it, it’s a weapon.

Characters: The Emotional Touchstone Readers Crave

All stories are human stories, whether in space or in a magical realm. Characters (should) endure the same trauma and challenges that audiences do in life. This mirroring gives us (readers) a safe place to feel and process our emotions.

EVIL: Our Love-Hate Relationship With Mischief, Mayhem & Destruction

Good stories make us think, talk, question, examine, and reexamine not because the writer wrote a glorious description of a moonlit night, but because the writer posed questions not easily answered.

Transformation: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Transformation is an integral part all great stories. The trick, however, is to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to show how a character has either progressed or regressed. Few things can be more disappointing than reading a story where SUDDENLY, POOF! The MC has some grand epiphany at the end how they really needed to change in order to win.