Tag: funny

A New Era in Fashion—How Abercrombie & Fitch Saves Needless Suffering

Since A&F clothing can’t make regular people look better, and Jeffries’ doesn’t want over 67% of the United States wearing them, essentially what Jeffries’ wants is for gorgeous people with six-pack abs and killer bodies…to PAY exorbitant prices TO HIS COMPANY to model for them for FREE.

The Parental Paradox & Caterpillar Conundrum—How I Grew Up to Be THAT Mom

I remember feeling like such a failure, and Mrs. E didn’t help. She’d sneer down her nose at me like I hadn’t tried. The others all got A+++++ and I counted myself lucky to pass. The other kids’ projects were displayed in the cafeteria because they were “true representatives of a fifth-grader’s ingenuity and talent.” All I had to offer was a pile of painted mud and a coffee can of crispy bugs. My projects were left in the “Hall of Shame” (back in the classroom).

What to Do When Your Christmas Tree Wants a Bass Boat

Yesterday, I did an author interview (here is the link if you care to show this sweet new writer some blog love) and one of the questions was: Kristen, I have four children and a full time job to juggle alongside my writing, so I can understand how busy life gets, but you, you are …

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The Top 5 TSA-Friendly Zombie-Killing Weapons for the Apocalypse

Whenever I travel, I have a number of fears. 1) The ONE time I don’t leave my home clean enough to perform open heart surgery will, of course, be the trip where I die in a fiery crash. Thus, as a good luck talisman of sorts, I have this compulsive need to make sure every …

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Top Ten Reasons to Become a Writer

Today is Free-for-All-Friday, and thus is my choice. I was skimming through some earlier posts and came across this one…that cracks me up even now. So, I thought I would post again for the benefit of the newbies and to give my loyal followers a good laugh. Come on, you know this still makes you …

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