Tag: how to write a series

Pitch Your Story in a Pinch (ONE Sentence)

The log-line serves as a sort of “true north” so that epic high fantasy doesn’t suddenly involve space aliens, time travel, and waffle recipes.

Binging is BIG: 3 Simple Ways to Make Your Series HOOK Readers

Series have proven to be one of the best ways to captivate a massive reading/viewing audience because they have a unique capacity to go viral, and in doing that, to become woven into the very fabric of popular culture (e.g. Game of Thrones).

Motive: The Key to Writing Stories Readers Can’t Put Down

Motivation points out where a character is most likely to trip, but also highlights the direction the character needs to grow. It’s this additional psychological layering that can make even a simple story deceptively complex. Like stepping into a puddle and falling into the center of the Earth.

Fiction Addiction: 3 Simple Ways to Make Your Series HOOK Readers

Series have proven to be one of the best ways to captivate a massive reading/viewing audience because they have the unique capacity to go viral and, in doing that, to become woven into the very fabric of popular culture.

The Future of Fiction–From Tiny to Titanic, How to Claim Your Niche

Yes, there is a lot of chaos, confusion and growing pains as the publishing world shifts and grows and molts the old skin that no longer fits. In the midst of this, however, there is now room for more writers, more works, and more types of work, which should be very encouraging.