Tag: indie authors

3 Myths Writers Need to Ditch Like a Bad Ex

Thing is, we have to be really, really careful that as artists we are not perpetuating the very behavior that pisses us off. We like getting paid for our work. We work really really hard and expect (rightfully) that we should be rewarded for doing so.

Marketing, Social Media & Book Signings—Why NONE of These Directly Impact Book Sales

Also, if social media is so grossly ineffective, what explanation do we have for the MASSIVE power shift from BIG NYC publishing to indie and self-published authors now 1) making a reasonable second income 2) making a decent enough living to finally write full-time 3) nontraditional authors taking up an increasing portion of major bestseller lists like the New York Times and USA Today and 4) the major inflation of fiction writers now making six and seven figures?

Freedom isn't Free—5 Common Tactical Errors in Self-Publishing

Here’s the thing. Self-publishing, in many ways, just allows us to accelerate the career path of the author. Even in traditional publishing, it usually takes about three books to gain traction. In traditional publishing, this takes three years because we are dealing with a publisher’s schedule.

In self-publishing, we can make our own schedule, but it still takes THREE BOOKS MINIMUM. I know there are exceptions, but most self-published successes hit at about book three. The ability to offer multiple titles is a huge part of why John Locke became successful.