Tag: pay the writer

Welcome to The Matrix: You Work for FREE & There IS No Payday

This post is for creative professionals (namely writers) who desire to make a living writing full time being paid real money. If you’re writing simply for fun or enjoyment or love, then that’s wonderful! But if you long to be paid to do what you love, then read on because you work for free and there IS …

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Want to Be a Successful Writer? Ten Ways to GO PRO!

But saying we want to go PRO is easier than knowing what one actually looks like. To be blunt, there are far more people “playing writer” than “going pro.” Even those of us who write for a living? It is an everyday battle against entropy. It’s really easy to wake up one day and realize you’re lying to yourself.

Shame on You AOL/Huffington! NO More Literary Booty Calls

If Money and Power are two of the metrics and Ms. Huffington calls them LEGS then what exactly is this THIRD METRIC she wants me to embrace and why do I suddenly feel dirty all over again?

Making Money in a World Addicted to FREE—What Do Writers DO?

Businesses use FREE all the time…to generate business (as in PAID work). We need to do the same. But good businesses don’t just “make stuff FREE.” They get a good idea of the overall topography and then use FREE to maneuver advantage.

Brain Games—Are You Unwittingly Killing Your Book Biz?

I’m going to show you some cool tricks that will help you reach out to readers and improve your book sales and up the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.