80 results for BBT

The BBT: Meet the Big Boss Troublemaker & Brain Behind All Stories

The BBT is a wholly unique sort of antagonist. This specific antagonist, the Big Boss Troublemaker, is the Baskins BRAIN of all great stories. Why? Because all great stories involve an IDEA that must be defeated.

The Brain Behind the Story: The Big Boss Troublemaker (BBT)

Last post in our structure series, I introduced the core antagonist, what I call the Big Boss Troublemaker. The BBT is our central opposition. This is the force responsible for creating the core story problem in need of resolution. While stories have all sorts of ‘antagonists’ we’ll get to them another time. In fact, buckle …

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Bad Decisions: The Crucible of Great Stories

Bad decisions make the best stories. Fiction is about decent people—who mean well—doing selfish, foolish or downright dumb things.

Imposter Syndrome: Am I a REAL Writer?

Imposter syndrome is a feeling very common to many creative professionals. Ironically, feeling like a fraud strikes even high-achievers.

The Johari Window & Character Blind Spots

The Johari Window can be one of many powerful tools for crafting dimensional characters and layered stories that feel incredibly REAL.