301 results for structure part 1

How to Make Boring Story Parts Exciting

Your scene before and your scene after are sweat-inducing, ear-wringing, eye-popping pieces that keep your audience glued to the page. But this little scene in between…well, there is just absolutely nothing happening. It’s dull. Sleep-inducing. It would make a dog with rabies put on his pyjamas.

Deep P.O.V. Part Two—Crawling Inside Your Characters

Yes, there are style changes we can make, like removing as many tags as we can and ditching sensing and thinking words. But deep POV is strongly tethered to characterization. Good characterization.

Deep P.O.V. Part One—What IS It? How Do We DO It?

Everyone wants it. Readers love it. Uh, but what IS it? How do I do it? Can I order some on-line?

Choosing a P.O.V.—What is BEST for YOUR Story? Structure Part 9

P.O.V. used properly can create entire worlds, and breathe life into characters. Used improperly, it can make your reader feel like she’s been bungee-corded to Satan’s Merry-Go-Round—not good.

How to Manage Scenes in a Novel—Structure Part 8

As a fiction author, you will often feel like an acrobat spinning plates while standing on your head and juggling fiery chainsaws. There are so many components to keep track of, lest you end up down the Bunny Trail of No Return. Organization is key when it comes to being a successful novelist. Before we continue, …

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