


The Write Stuff Special

Editor: Kristen Lamb

Price: $55 USD

Availability: 10 Slots (or until July 24th)



About: Book sales less than stellar? Keep getting rejected and don't know why? Struggling with the opening of your novel? Getting 20,000 or 30,000 words in and hitting a wall?

Likely time for some professional guidance.

The 'Write Stuff' Special might be the cure for what ails you (or your book).

Agents and editors only give us (writers) a few pages to hook their attention and hopefully a contract. Readers can be even pickier, skimming samples to see if they want to purchase or pass our on novel. Opening pages are crucial for book sales.

Generally, a pro can spot all your weaknesses (and strengths) in twenty pages, but what do we see? Why is the story starting out strong only to fizzle and fall apart? I will tell you for $2.75 a page.

I've plotted hundreds of novels, repaired even more, and edited tens of thousands of pages in every genre. Make the most of your time. Stop taking classes on character if that isn't a weakness. This diagnostic can show you, specifically, where your work needs help (if any).

If you want the truth about your writing, I'm here to help.

***This service has only ten slots. It will be open until either ten slots fill or July 24th when the service closes, whichever comes first.


A skilled analysis will give you MAJOR advantage:
  • A pro has emotional distance and objectivity to spot the real problem areas
  • Critique partners mean well, but may have us 'fixing' stuff that isn't broken while ignoring major red flag issues
  • Writing partners often lack the skill level or the knowledge for what works and what doesn't in YOUR genre
  • Rejection letters don't always mean the book is bad. Your time is valuable, so no need to waste it repairing a perfectly good story


What this SPECIAL includes:

  • General line-edit and proofing along with a deep content edit and assessment of the sample
  • Honest but kind feedback about problems and detailed suggestions/instructions for repairing any issues
  • Truthful feedback about what you do well! YES! Do more of THAT!


***There is a ten business day turnaround beginning day after the submission received.

About the Instructor:

Kristen Lamb is the author of the definitive guide to social media and branding for authors, Rise of the Machines—Human Authors in a Digital World. She’s also the author of #1 best-selling books We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer.

She’s also the author of the highly acclaimed mystery-thriller The Devil’s Dance. She's currently a staff features writer for the prestigious Strategy Magazine.

Kristen has written over twelve hundred blogs and her site was recognized by Writer’s Digest Magazine as one of the Top 101 Websites for Writers. Her branding methods are responsible for selling millions of books and used by authors of every level, from emerging writers to mega authors.

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