On Demand Populating Planet X: Character Building for Science Fiction
Populating Planet X: Character Building for Science Fiction
Price: $45.00 USD Standard
Where: On Your PC (Or Supported Devices)
When: At Your Convenience
Instructor: Maria Grace
Class Description:
Science fiction (and speculative fiction) is EXPLODING in popularity. Can you say 'Black Mirror,' 'Stranger Things,' or 'Westworld'?
Science fiction is a genre with incredible range that possesses a sweet spot for all kinds of authors and all sorts of audiences.
If we look at this from a market standpoint, audiences have never craved science fiction stories on a scale this large...ever.
Audiences want new stories to read and new stories for the screen. Science fiction is an ideal segue from book to film.
HBO, Amazon, Netflix, SyFy, and more are all churning out remakes of older programs. What they really want, however, is to find something they can make into the coveted 'Original.'
A new franchise (this could be you).
Audiences are yearning for the next exciting series to inhale, but what really HOOKS them? Sure technology is vital and strange and wonderful worlds with their own rules and reality are essential.
Ah, but character is the KEY that unlocks the door. Without strong characters that readers/audiences CARE about, our book or series is as good as dead. Humans can't connect to tech, they cannot project onto another dimension.
All great stories are ultimately HUMAN stories. Even when our cast isn't 'human', they must always be HUMAN. How do we find those Earth-bound stories and launch them into the stars?
Good question.
In this class you'll learn:
- How to decide what characters the story needs
- How to use character tropes properly
- How to craft a character arc
- How to craft the right character flaws
- How to avoid unrealistic character traits
- The role of culture and environments in character development—especially aliens
- How to craft three-dimensional alien characters
- How to make alien characters relatable
- And, time willing, MORE.....
About the Instructor:
Maria Grace is the #1 Best Selling Author of over 23 books. She has a PhD in Educational Psychology and is a 16-year veteran of the university classroom where she taught courses in human growth and development, learning, test development and counseling. None of which have anything to do with her undergraduate studies in economics/sociology/managerial studies/behavior sciences.
She has one husband, earned two graduate degrees and two black belts, raised three sons, danced English Country dance for four years, is aunt to five nieces, is designing a sixth Regency-era costume, blogged seven years on Random Bits of Fascination, has outlines for eight novels waiting to be written, attended nine English country dance balls, and shared her life with ten cats.
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