Category: Writing Tips

Narrative Style: The Heart of Storytelling & Why It Also Matters in Memoir

Narrative style is the beating heart of writing. While our voice might remain consistent from a blog to a non-fiction to a fiction, narrative style is what keeps our work fresh and makes it resonate.

The Quest: “The Tip of the Spear” & The Hero’s Journey Meets Memoir

Memoirs, like novels, are complex creatures, and I’ll be writing more posts on this topic. Yet, where to start? We’ll begin what I believe is a foundational ingredient necessary to write a riveting memoir.

Character Building: How Story Forges & Refines Characters

Ultimately, fictional characters reflect the real human experience in a distilled and intensified form. This, however, doesn’t give an automatic pass on authenticity.

The Johari Window: Understanding & Harnessing the Character Blind Spot

The Johari Window is a powerful tool for crafting dimensional characters. It also helps creators develop layered stories that will resonate for generations.

Wounds: Unforgettable Characters are Fashioned from Damaged Pieces

Wounds provide friction vital for conflict, No conflict, no story. Conflict turns pages, sells books, and cultivates passionate fans.