Category: Writing

Bad Decisions: The Crucible of Great Stories

Bad decisions make the best stories. Fiction is about decent people—who mean well—doing selfish, foolish or downright dumb things.

“Woobie” Anti-Villains & Sympathy for the Devil

“Woobie” is a funny word I recently discovered when researching. This anti-villain doesn’t want to be evil, but they have no choice, do they?

Pitch Your Story in a Pinch (ONE Sentence)

The log-line serves as a sort of “true north” so that epic high fantasy doesn’t suddenly involve space aliens, time travel, and waffle recipes.

Darkest Moment: Why Losing Everything Matters

Darkest moments are like dark rooms in photography. Very counterintuitively, we must immerse ourselves in the blackness to reveal the true picture.

Aspiring Writers Need to Quit NOW

Aspiring writers. There are so many out there. There are so many out there. MILLIONS! BILLIONS (if we count the bots). Is there any hope?