Tag: novel structure

Choosing a P.O.V.—What is BEST for YOUR Story? Structure Part 9

P.O.V. used properly can create entire worlds, and breathe life into characters. Used improperly, it can make your reader feel like she’s been bungee-corded to Satan’s Merry-Go-Round—not good.

Choosing a Genre—Anatomy of a Best-Selling Story Part 7

Part of why I stress picking a genre will be a huge factor in driving sales and connecting with readers. We need to make certain we have slotted our product correctly because 1) we want readers to FIND our work and also 2) readers can be very unforgiving with reviews.

Is Your Story PRIMAL?—Anatomy of a Best-Selling Story Part 6

The plot is the foundation. Now what you construct on top of that foundation can be super-complex. Note I wrote complex NOT complicated.

Your Novel in ONE Sentence—Anatomy of Story Part 5

In the world of screenwriting there is a tenet, “Give me the same, but different.” This axiom still holds true when it comes to novels.

Is Your Idea Strong Enough? Story Structure Part 4

Think of your core idea as the ground where you will eventually build your structure. Novels, being very large structures, require firm ground. So how do you know if the idea you have is strong enough?