Tag: W.A.N.A.

Selling Books in the Digital Age—We ALL Have an Image Problem & Here's What To Do

The sheer volume of books paired with the ability for everyone to be published has diminished the perceived value of our product. It is now up to authors to actively demonstrate value to the consumer.

5 Reasons Internal Dialogue is Essential in Fiction (And How to Use It in Your Story)

For a reader to invest their time in our story, they need to care what happens. Internal dialogue is one of the tools at our disposal to make them care because it creates an intimate connection between the reader and the point-of-view character.

Generating Page-Turning Momentum—Characters & The Wound

Wounds drive how we perceive our world, what we believe we want, and how we will (or won’t) interact with others. This is critical for generating story tension and character arc.

Is "Motivation" Useless? Are "Opportunities" Overrated?

I hear all the time that “motivational stuff” is crap, that cheerleading is useless, that all those books and speeches are there simply to take our money. What is success? Well, I don’t believe that success is worth giving up everything. Life and love are more important than being the best. And, to an extent …

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Deep P.O.V. Part One—What IS It? How Do We DO It?

Everyone wants it. Readers love it. Uh, but what IS it? How do I do it? Can I order some on-line?