CHANGE: A Simple Formula for the Life You WANT

So help me if I read one more motivational book written by someone who can afford STAFF shame regular working people for not using their time wisely? I WILL have a book burning.

Talk is Cheap: Harness the True Power of Dialogue

We can use ‘talk’ to inform, disrupt, distract, enlighten, or even misdirect. Thus, today, I’d like for us to explore the purpose of dialogue.

Dune, Dialogue, Wishing Sand Worms Would Kill Me

Dune…desert planet…no dialogue. Before we plunge ahead in our ‘sit-still’ suits, I promise to work very hard to avoid any ‘spoiler alerts.’ Though, in my defense, this story has been around since disco was cool.

The Wound: How Pain Can Deepen Our Fiction

The wound is critical for creating dimensional characters and, thus, layered stories. It’s impossible to be fully human and devoid of cracks.

Johari Window: Harnessing Character Blind Spots

The Johari Window can be one of many powerful tools for crafting dimensional characters and developing layered stories (plots) audiences love.