If you’ve been writing any amount of time you’ve been there—STUCK. Stuck is the place we never want to be, but goes with the job. Every writer at one time or another has experienced the literary doldrums. We hit a spot that, no matter how hard we try, we just cannot seem to move our …
Tag: getting over writer’s block
Jul 19 2013
The Single Largest Cause of Writer's Block–Might Not Be What You Believe
When I initially began writing fiction, I was shocked how terrible I was at it. Oh, page to page, the writing was lovely. But as a whole? I kept creating mess after mess, a blob with no internal structure that made sense. To make matters worse, I would hit about 30-40, 000 words an hit a WALL. I was paralyzed with no idea how the story should progress.
This, then led to editing and reediting the beginning until I was just ready to throw myself in traffic.