Tag: Writing

Fortitude: Dream, Do, Then Keep on DOING Day After Day

drudgery, Atomic Habits, boredom, Kristen Lamb, success

We’re rarely limited by our talent, yet we’re all too often hobbled by impatience. Drudgery makes us cave in too soon.

Schadenfreude: Misfortune, Revenge, Justice & Catharsis

Schadenfreude is the pleasure we feel at the misfortune of others. This ingrained sense of right and wrong drives our desire to seek justice.

How to Create YOUR Audience: Identify, Connect, Convert

How can we connect to an audience (readers) who will love our stories enough to buy, support and spread the word? This is the ever-present challenge on every author’s mind. If it isn’t, then it should be.

Wounds & Characters: The Damaged REBORN!

Wounds matter in life and in fiction. We’ve all been hurt in some way and to some degree. Just goes with being human. No one gets out alive.

Meltdowns: Chaos & the Neurodivergent Author

Meltdowns, frequently referred to as “autistic meltdowns” actually happen all along the ND (neurodivergent spectrum). Authors can struggle, too.