Tag: publishing

How to Create YOUR Audience: Identify, Connect, Convert

How can we connect to an audience (readers) who will love our stories enough to buy, support and spread the word? This is the ever-present challenge on every author’s mind. If it isn’t, then it should be.

Book Reviews: Why They Matter SO Much

Book reviews are not about author egos. Reviews are a matter of life and death, survival in an absurdly overcrowded marketplace.

Pitch Your Story in a Pinch (ONE Sentence)

The log-line serves as a sort of “true north” so that epic high fantasy doesn’t suddenly involve space aliens, time travel, and waffle recipes.

To the Pain: Is Writing a Career or a Hobby?

Pain is simply part of life. We have little control over most of what happens to us. This is true in life and in publishing.

Self-Sabotage: I Don’t Deserve Success

Self-sabotage is something most writers are likely familiar with. We just about get in the habit of working on the WIP and then suddenly we put everyone and everything ahead of finishing that book.