All stories are human stories, whether in space or in a magical realm. Characters (should) endure the same trauma and challenges that audiences do in life. This mirroring gives us (readers) a safe place to feel and process our emotions.
Tag: character development
Jul 18 2016
It Ain’t Just Talk: 3 Crucial Elements of Great Dialog
She’s baaaaack. Well, sort of. Today I have an extra special treat. This is going to sound super conceited but whatever, it is MY blog 😛 . But first lemme caveat with this. I feel I DO have a knack for predicting the next big thing. Case in point, in 1993 I was at an …
Feb 24 2016
How to Make EVERY Page of Your Story Interesting
Image by DonkeyHotey/Flickr CC Today I have another post from that kick@$$ writing teacher I’ve taken hostage *slides food through the slit in wall*. Actually, Alex Limberg is a friend of mine and total rockstar and seriously, check out his free ebook about “44 Key Questions” to test your story; it will help you make your …
Nov 29 2013
While You Were Sleeping—The Difference Between Narration & Internal Dialogue
Internal dialogue is the thoughts, dreams, stream-of-consciousness stuff inside a character’s mind only the reader is privy to. Most people talk to themselves, think in at least partial sentences, talk themselves into and out of all kinds of things, they weigh consequences, wrestle with past experiences all in their head in a split second. How many smart girls make bad decisions about men?