When we make POV errors? It shatters the fictive dream. That is why getting really good at POV is vital. We must maintain the magic. Here’s the secret that a lot of writers don’t realize about POV.
Tag: WANA International
Sep 25 2015
Why Our Author Brand is More Important than Ever Before
For the past few months I’ve been focused on writing and not on social media. Hey, even the Social Media Jedi can get burnout đ . But now we’re going to shift gears because, aside from writing the actual book, social media (branding) is the biggest part of our job. And I can hear the …
May 27 2014
Something Wicked This Way Comes & Why Writers Could Be in Great Danger
What “warning labels” would be on your books or mine? With enough political pressure, could our writing disappear? If universities press down this path of making everyone happy and comfortable, will there be generations who no longer remember works like Huckleberry Finn or The Merchant of Venice? Or find them so “distasteful” the BUY buttons vanish?
May 13 2014
Two Dialogue Death Sentences & How to Get a Stay-of-Execution
As an editor, I can attest that this is one of the BIGGEST problem areas for the new writer. Dialogue can often sound stiff, like two kids playing with Barbies or fighting with action figures. Or, they can become “talking heads” who all sound the same.