Tag: how to write a novel

The Dreaded Synopsis—How to Get Started & Why We Need One BEFORE Writing the Book

Too many authors are reworking those first chapters, polishing the prose, adding description when all along the problem is there is no clear story goal or the stakes are too low or the timeline is not there or too loose.

Description—The Good the Bad and the Just Please STOP

Can we be really honest about our description? Is it really remarkable or simply filling space? Are we weaving a spell that captures readers or are we boring them into a coma?

4 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Writing

When you start out writing, like with any new skill, what you are doing just feels clumsy and deficient. The ugly truth is, the beginning stage is painful for novices of any field.

Making Fiction Come Alive! Using the Senses for Maximum Impact

Anything that talks to our senses feels a lot more real to us. It is through senses that we experience our entire world. We crave sensory experiences.

How Writing Quickly Can Improve Your Storytelling

Here’s my explanation of why writing faster than we “are comfortable” can produce fiction just as good (if not better) than a work that’s been written slowly and deliberately.