Tag: writing great dialogue

Using Dialogue to Create Dimensional Characters

So last time we talked about the basics in regards to dialogue and once we grasp the fundamentals—like proper punctuation—we then can focus more on elements of style. How we deliver the dialogue. We can tell a lot about people by the way they speak. What people say or don’t say speaks volumes. As the writer, it …

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9 Ways to Improve Your Dialogue

Dialogue is responsible for not only conveying the plot, but it also helps us understand the characters and get to know them, love them, hate them, whatever.

Les Edgerton Shows How to Write Amazing Dialogue–Part 2 AN EXERCISE

I hope you guys enjoyed Les’s guest post yesterday. Today, Les is offering a bonus…an EXERCISE to help you develop your skills for writing killer dialogue. Take it away, Les! Exercise on Subtext This exercise is primarily for the teacher teaching basic writing principles, although perhaps even more advanced writers may get something out of …

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Les Edgerton Shows How to Write Amazing Dialogue–Part 1

Dialogue is one of the most crucial elements of good fiction writing. For many of us, it’s also one of the toughest skills to master. Some writers have an instinct for writing great dialogue, but for others it takes hard work to achieve believable and interesting dialogue. But, no matter if it comes naturally to you or if you have to work long and hard to be able to create convincing dialogue, it can be achieved by almost everyone.