The BIG FIVE Publishers sing a siren’s song irresistible to most writers. Granted, in the New Publishing World we now have multiple publishing options, numerous paths to take us to our goal (whatever that goal may be).
Self-publishing, indie, small press, blog-to-book, and legacy press. I’ve worked hard for my slice of success, but I’m not so “evolved” I’ve eschewed all desire to earn my own spot as a Random-Penguin đ .
Big Five Fever
All publishing paths hold advantages and disadvantages, yet nothing can beguile us like the Simon & Schuster sparkle, hypnotize us as much as the Macmillan mystique.
Big Five Publishers are the sun that burns through our ennui, revealing a mere glimpse of the literary summit. Gives us a fever burning so hot, we forget all about those manuscripts that tried and died. Ignore the frozen, forgotten dead we’ll have to climb over on the way up.
A delirious insanity propels us toward the top, no matter how much we bleed. Big Five Publishers are the K-2 for the high-achieving (okay Type A) author.
Author does start with A. It’s a sign đ .
Why Big Five Publishers Hold Such Appeal
Why do so many of us crave a spot among The Five? Even though we’re well aware we might only summit once, if ever? Despite the odds, we boldly take on this mountain. We accept that, while we might lose some toes, we’ll gain bragging rights and authentic respect.
Once “in the club” we won’t have to prove ourselves by something as gauche as comparing royalties. We won’t feel the urge to reveal how much money we made on that last box set (common practice in indie and self-pub).
Added bonus? The power to instantly humble that asshat stranger who laughed when we said what we did for a living. You know him, that guy who always follows his condescending laugh with, “Sorry, I meant what is your real job?”
Big Five Publishers give us that name brand “stamp of approval” that separates the bourgeoisie poseurs from the authentic elites. Even that clod who mocked our profession can understand the sentence, “I‘m with Harper Collins. Ever heard of them?”
Before anyone starts hating on me, I’m well aware that this “belief” that Big Five Publishers only take on works of literary genius is bunk. But, human emotions are not known for making logical sense. Intellectually we writers know Big Five Publishers are a business. As a business they represent books that will make a lot of money, plain and simple. They’re always on the hunt for A Shore Thing.
Even though Snooki’s memoir was/is hardly literary genius, it was a fairly safe bet it would sell a lot of copies and bring in the Benjamins.
Brands Have Power
With so much algorithm gaming and the fact the slush pile has been handed off to readers (only now with glossy covers), publishing has become hell on Earth.
It’s like living in a world of Publishing Participation Trophies. In all the electroplated garbage, how does the real gold outshine the faux? A question posited by writers and now by readers.
Five years ago no reader would have thought to look to the publisher. But times have changed and names have power. The author name (brand) sells more books than any full-page ad. An author repped by Big Five? Automatic advantage in terms of public perception.
Sort of like how designers can sell ugly shoes we wouldn’t be caught dead in…but they’re Prada. Thus instantly worth the $800 and they’re no longer hideous. They’re haute couture.
So I get it and don’t blame anyone for longing to be embraced by Big Five Publishers. Thus I am going to offer some tips.
Write a Good Book
Yes, this falls under the “Um, duh” category but self-publishing has given a lot of emerging writers a shortcut to claim the title of “author” while avoiding mastering the craft. Remember the last post by Cait about dismemberment? There are countless red flags that light up a rookie brighter than LED. It’s why agents and editors often don’t need more than three pages to pass.
I know all a writer’s strengths and weaknesses in less than twenty pages—really five, but being generous.
Have a Platform and Brand
Remember my Snooki example? NY didn’t represent this memoir because it would add to the body of early 21st century literature. No, she had a brand and a platform with eager fans willing to pay retail for her book regardless of “quality.”
Sort of like people lined up to own Jaguars in the 80s even though the Jags spent more time in the shop than on the road. Coveted brands are the only ones able to evoke that kind of blind love and loyalty.
Most agencies now will google our name when we submit. The platform/brand is now as, if not more, important than the book. We could have a novel so incredible angels weep, but if search engines don’t even know our name, then potential buyers don’t either. This makes us a risky investment and in these slim times, Big Five is not interested in Russian Roulette.
Do YOUR Work
These are publishers not daycare centers. It’s our job to know our craft and understand the business of our business. No one is going to hold our hand and do our work for us. There is no Publishing Sugar Daddy. If we suck at grammar, improve or hire someone to fix the mistakes. If we don’t know how to plot? Learn. Practice.
No agent/editor is going to baby us along from a typo-infested plotless nightmare “with promise” to a gleaming gem mega-seller like in the movies.
Being able to spell, punctuate and um, write is sort of expected with the profession. I appreciate that some people have dyslexia, or are terrible spellers. I’m severely ADD and often my sentences go off the rails…which is why even I hire pros for the polish. We need our work at its best before even thinking about an agent.
Speaking of agents, we need to do our homework. Research who represents what genre. Pay attention to what they’re in the market for. Agents are open about their “wish lists.”
Good writers are always avid readers. If you love a book and yours is similar, who’s the agent?
Another angle is to research an agent you believe would be a good fit, then read what they’ve represented and sold. This a) solidifies if it really WOULD be a good fit and b) is professional and flattering to the agent that we took time to do some work. You know, like a professional đ .
Follow %$#@*$ Instructions
This is a bugaboo that makes my left eye twitch. FYI, Big Five Publishers (actually all traditional publishers) have submission guidelines. Remember they are actively looking for a reason to NOT read our work. Sometimes the hoops are ludicrous, but they are there to weed out those who can’t follow directions.
If they ask for a 5000 word sample (20 pages) and instruct a Word doc double-spaced, one-inch margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font, then just do it. Because when they open a single-spaced, 10 point Courier font with three-quarter-inch margins, it doesn’t fool them.
It ticks them off.
Maybe by fudging the “rules” we squeezed in thirty-three pages instead of twenty but it won’t matter, because that agent won’t even read ONE page let alone thirty-three. An agent will take a single glance, then send the appropriate form letter about how our work not right for their agency.
Which is code for: We don’t have time for amateurs who can’t follow instructions.
Sell A LOT of Books
Remember in the beginning I mentioned the numerous ways to attain our goal? If our goal is Big Five, nothing sweeter than fat sales figures to get our foot in the door.
Money is a universal language.
Impressive sales numbers take out all the guess work of what readers want to buy and offer evidentiary support our books are a solid investment. This dovetails into two earlier points about writing a good book and creating a strong platform/brand.
“Good” is subjective, the reader voting with purchases. No it isn’t fair, but fair is a weather condition. There are more than fifty shades of why it’s important to write books audiences want to read.
Write What Consumers Want to Buy/Read
Maybe you possess a burning desire to tell the story of a luchador who is mocked for his passion to write haiku. Instead of teaming up with his brothers in the ring, he longs to travel to Japan and unravel his inner demons. Go for it. But who would be the audience? A clue is in the reason for writing THIS story.
Perhaps, your reason for writing this is you lived in Mexico and found the luchadores fascinating and witnessed many others did as well. You yearned to tell this story, crafting it for an ignored audience with no voice.
Maybe upon submission you’re rejected. Self-publish and if it sells a gazillion copies, then Big Five will come knocking.
Yet, if you chose to tell the story of a luchador shunned for his love of haiku and the ONLY reason was to be “different” or “clever”…then have fun storming the castle. Cherry-flavored lutefisk is different, too, yet don’t foresee any long lines forming to consume it.
We can write for ourselves, sure. But if we fail to also consider our audience, then we are writing for ONE. Publishers have no interest in audiences that small.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Hard truth, I know. But in reality? Pretty simple stuff here. We CAN do this.
What are your thoughts? Do you long to be a Random-Penguin, too? Do you think it is harder and harder for writers to find ways to demonstrate authentic “success” with all the Amazon gaming, algorithmic alchemy, and the deluge of books not ready for public consumption?
Do you resent having to part with sales numbers or rankings to garner a smidge of respect? I know writers and creatives have always had a tough time being taken seriously, but these days it seems far worse.
And I am NOT above BRIBERY!
What do you WIN? For the month of NOVEMBER, for everyone who leaves a comment, I will put your name in a hat. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you get your name in the hat twice. What do you win? The unvarnished truth from yours truly. I will pick a winner once a month and it will be a critique of the first 20 pages of your novel, or your query letter, or your synopsis (5 pages or less).
For subscribers, click to my site to view gallery of upcoming classes (gallery doesn’t show up for you). But here are the two biggies coming up from ME (Kristen LAMB)…
BRAND BOSS! When Your NAME ALONE Can SELL! November 14th (TONIGHT!!!), 7-9 EST and comes with FREE RECORDING. $45 for General Admission, GOLD Option Available!
PLOT BOSS! Writing Novels Readers WANT TO BUY! November 16th, 7-9 EST and comes with FREE RECORDING. $40 for General Admission, GOLD Option Available!
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OMG…I don’t know whether to love you or hate you for “cherry-flavored lutefisk”. NOTHING BEATS YOUR METAPHORS!! All the things, woman!
Great advice!I’d love to see a post specifically about ways to build brand.
Have a class on it tonight đ . Also a book. “Rise of the Machines” is a detailed step-by-step plan about the how, why, what, etc. Work smarter not harder đ .
I loved Rise of the Machines. I need to read it again to remind myself.
Lol, a favorite saying of Nolan Bushnell, the big-time game designer.
I have tried to impress them by sending grocery store coupons with my submissions. It has not worked so far. Do you think sending a nice fruitcake with my submissions during this holiday season would be more effective ?
Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your posts. Very informative, fun, and easy to read.
Building a brand is the only part that seems hard. Iâm a great writer, but Iâm only okay at taking pictures and designing etc.
Writers WAY overcomplicate it. Trust me, it’s simple. Or the way I teach it is. And my way sells books and is evergreen đ .
I found the first part of this blog to be just as helpful as the tips in the latter half. Being able to articulate why I want to be traditionally published with the Big Five is a powerful thing.
Kristin, You give good solid advice. I’ve had 13 books published since 1983, #14 comes out next year, some with the big 5, others with smaller publishers. I recommend your work to those who want to get serious about their writing and publishing prospects. I’ve read your books and enjoy your lively articles. I posted your article on my Facebook and Twitter feeds. Keep on delivering. I love it.
Please help me I really what to be best selling author or food blogger can you help….
Really good blog that attends to our fantasy but gives us some info on the reality. “Following directions” was great about publishers looking for a way to make you disappear.
This article is great! Thank you. One of my goals is to publish with a big five pub. I realize sometimes it means moving up the ladder. I’m working hard on craft and learning ask if can about marketing. One day, it will happen.
I’d love to get a gig with Avon. Maybe I could if I wrote Regency or sweet contemporary romance. I know those sub-genres are popular, but they aren’t what I want to write right now.
I figure if I have to hold down a day job, I might as well do what I love with my writing. Fantasy romance may not be a big thing, and for the moment, I’m okay with that. I love reading it when I can find it, and I love writing it.
The Big Five publishers also have the deck stacked in their favor when getting shelf space in bookstores, and their authors have some automatic entrees into marketing, but there are disadvantages, too, such as long production schedules. That said, I think your advice is excellent for all writers. Improving our craft, enhancing our websites, following guidelines, targeting a broad audience–all doable. Thanks, Kristen!
A very good article; one that I saved, which I usually don’t. Well written and informative as a help for new writers. Just trying to get through a first Nanowrimo. I hope my name comes out of the hat!
Thank you.
Sorry, I didn’t realize the first one had gone through.
Good post…along those same lines, it’s only fair to recognize the fact that agents have to turn around and pitch to publishers. I hate when celebrity junk books take up spots, but we have to recognize the bottom line business of publishing. Doesn’t mean give up, just keep your eyes open.
Well said. I think there’s an almost cyclical desire to find “the secret”, this idea that there must be some “secret” to breaking through as a writer. But at the end of the day there’s just a lot of work, and a lot to learn. Of course there are also many victories to savor along the way.
I’m not yet interested in Big 5 publishing (too new, too much work ahead of me, no brand yet, no back catalog), I *am* interested in becoming a better writer.
If there’s a post somewhere on the big turn-offs you might find in the first three pages of a work (e.g. dismemberment, which I should have learned about *before* self-publishing my first novella), I’d love to know about it! And if it’s covered in one of your books, let me know that, too, so I can go buy it and get back to work.
Interesting post, I find it difficult to understand why anyone wouldn’t follow instructions but I understand agents get more submissions that don’t than do. Madness if you want to be taken seriously.
I would like to point out that agents may not want to represent something like an author genre theyâre already carrying because it might divide their focus. So always look at their wish list and have a look at other agents in the same firm because they might want you too.
True and I am glad you pointed that out. I wanted to add it but my blogs already long enough LOL. Thing IS though, agents have friends and network. That is how I landed one of my students an agent. I contacted an agent friend (because his writing was so INCREDIBLE—and he’d worked with me to refine it and make it a TKO) and made the intro.
She was also blown away by Walker’s work but had just sold a very similar book. HOWEVER, she dug through her network because a writer/book that good and query that professional (and I’d also been helping him build a blog and social media brand for over a year). She was NOT about to pass up THAT magical combination even if she had to defer to a colleague. Walker was a unicorn. NO agent wants to miss a unicorn.
They talked and he got the agent. So always remember that is part of the power of social media as well is networking.
We might not hit the target straight on, but there might be another vector just as good and maybe better if we do OUR part.
awesome story to note. As long as we follow their submission guidelines, we can at least hope for the best!
The reality of writing to sell, is kind of depressing, but I get it. If you want to be successful (make a living at–maybe quit the day job), you have to write what people want to read.
And even if people like/love what you write and it’s too small an audience, it does nothing but stroke the ego. I still think there’s room for discoverability, but man, that’s the rub: how to find readers.
Some good hard truths today. Thanks. (sigh)
I’m working very hard to create a serious, literary work, but I’m not above including a graphic sex scene if I can fit it into the story and it helps sell copies.
LOL. This reminds me of something that happened to me early on as a writer. I got my start as a tech writer. I used to write instruction manuals for engineers, computer programs, safety manuals, etc. If the topic was so boring you wanted to throw yourself in traffic? That’s where I came in.
One time, I had far too much work (good problem to have) but apparently good tech writers who were NOT flakes were rare and tough to find. Word got out that I was a solid and dependable technical writer. Anyway, I was constantly fielding calls from headhunters, etc. trying to get me to take on a new contract.
So one day, while in the middle of crafting a user-friendly walk-through for a complex computer program, I got a call from some super serious sounding woman with a tone like she was doing ME a favor by reaching out. She rattled off she was from Dyncorp (which sounded familiar but my brain was fried and I didn’t get it was DYNCORP). Anyway, I was apparently not as impressed as I was supposed to be at the mere dropping of the name.
I had WAY more work than I should have ever taken on, and she was interrupting me. Thus, when she said essentially, “Why would we hire YOU?” (Um, I never applied) I ran with it because I gave no figs.
I said, “Well, you’re wanting me to write safety manuals for engineers, and first you should hire me because I speak fluent Engineer. Secondly, I like to add in random graphic sex scenes throughout the entire safety manual to ensure your engineers will actually READ the damn thing.”
She got quiet and I said a polite goodbye figuring that was the end of it. She called me for a MONTH begging me to take the job! I am unsure if it is because I was so bold, made her laugh or she really did think I added in graphic sex scenes or any combination thereof…but I still get a belly laugh out of that story.
That is hilarious! I, too, have done third-party computer manuals. (Two for AutoCAD*, one for Lotus Agenda.) It’s a slog, but if you sit at the computer every day, it gets cranked out. I’m sure it was your sense of humor that kept her calling.
From our AutoCAD 9.0 glossary:
Circular Reference: See Reference, Circular.
Reference, Circular: See Circular Reference…
Sell a lot of books? Dang. Why did nobody tell me this before? If they had, I’d certainly have tried it. đ
Well, some people keep querying the same book for years. I am all, “Um there IS another way.”
One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was “as soon as you send a piece off, start working on another. That way, worst case scenario, the first gets rejected, and now you have 2 to send out next time.”
Not gonna lie, my self-pub career is starting to take off, but Iâm also querying agents because of the reasons you mentioned above. Definitely working on the brand, too.
Thanks for the wise words and encouragement!
PS 20+ query rejections so far. Could probably use that critique. ?
Hey Kristen! It’s been a while since I commented, I read everyone of your articles just have been busy editing, editing, editing and now Nano, Nano, Nano. However, This last article was awesome. I am constantly asked why I choose to submit to publishers and it is nice to see something about it. For me, it is also about validation. Thanks again for all you do for us!
The points are well made. I’m struggling with platform. Is this something that only takes time to build or is there a magic formula to get visibility? I know who my audience is, I have some connections to bigger household names, but how do you establish that platform without wasting my time tweeting every hour? I’m still waiting for something to go viral…I take it it’s more work than that.
No magic formula for instant success but there is a proper way to go about it that improves odds of going viral. Not to hawk a book, but Rise of the Machines is a good step-by-step that is evergreen and will work no matter what social media fad is going on or dies. Will help your platform be stable regardless so as long as you feed and water it, you’re golden ;).
Great article, as always. Thanks, Kristen. đ
This blog raised some ghosts. Back in the 90s when I was first published with Heinemann and then my commissioning editor moved me over to McMillan when he changed company and I was asked to represent them at a training workshop … and … and … I thought nothing of it. In fact, I turned down another contract as I couldn’t live for long on the advance they offered. I needed to go back and write for radio and TV again as they paid quickly and my children had the annoying habit of wanting to sleep under a waterproof roof and eat real food. But I wonder, just maybe …? But I’m a lowly indie writer who is too old now even to try and reconnect with the great literary giants. I need to be content with what I have.
Yes, I would rather go with the big 5, for two main reasons:
1) They have more reach than I could hope to get myself as a debut author
2) They pay for everything to do with producing the book and I would not have to cough up the considerable cost of e.g. good editors up front
I personally don’t really care what anyone thinks of my prestige as a writer, but I need to make money off of this thing (else I do not have time to pursue it as much as I would like).
As a completely uncredentialed author (I’m an engineer and sailor by education), finishing my first novel and completing the polish after 3 beta reads has been a sickening nightmare. What if the work gets chucked just because I can’t say I have an MFA or 10 books sold on amazon?
Ok. Good pitch. Good defense of publishers. Now, let me offer my saga. I have taken every creative writing workshop at two major universities. Made straight “A’s” and all of my instructors passionately and eagerly encouraged me to submit my work. I have published non-fiction magazine work and newspaper work from commentary to human interest writing in newspapers from the East coast to the west coast, however my interests lie in fiction.
I visited and traveled all over Southeast Asia doing research for a trilogy of novels. I have finished the first novel, I am working on the second novel, and the third novel is finished “inside my head.” It’s been three years and I cannot get a publisher or agent to even READ it. I get form letter replies telling me they are not currently accepting new manuscripts due to their “huge backlogs.” Which begs the question, why the fuck are the backlogs being worked?
I will not do digital submissions and I will not do partial submissions. Digital indulges laziness, and there is something about having the full weight of a complete manuscript in an editor’s hands that may result in a more fair reading.
So, you can defend the publishers all you want, but publishers are like politicians – assholes who think that every writer owes them a god damned living. Fuck publishers and their pompous narrow minded “holier than thou” attitudes.
There used to be a time when publishers and writers worked together – you know, like a collaboration?
I’m going to the foreign markets. And a lot of new writers are too, so you and your “big five” can stand on your momma’s shoulders so you can kiss my ass.
Thank you.
John, MY “Big Five”? LOL. Sweetheart, this post is over two years old and I have never been a fan of how they do business. I entreat you to read some more of my current posts on how the major publisher’s (namely the mega media conglomerates who own them) own greed, hubris and ineptitude has not only harmed authors but the entire industry. I have been a rabid critic of NY publishing for YEARS.
That said, as a blogger, I serve all sorts of authors—indie, self-pub, and those who want legacy publishing.
I completely understand your anger and trust me, a LOT of us would agree about many of your points.
As to how you submit? That is something personal to you. Though format shouldn’t really matter. I do know many agents take submissions digitally but then will afterwards request paper so they can hold it and read properly. The industry is in massive upheaval, so keep your passion and remember that the pendulum always swings the other way.
Thanks for the robust response, but in truth, you really don’t need to insult me or believe I am any enemy of yours. I wish you all the best.
This has been a great source of learning for me. I’ve now developed a new goal of my own. Thank you so much. Do you have any tips for writing a novel. I’m kind of winging it right now. Everybody that I let sample my new novel says that I’m doing great, but I’m not sure if that’s just to spare my feelings or genuine. I would love to learn more and maybe start developing a network of writers myself.
Good, honest assessment and practical advice much needed by new authors such as myself whose books grew out of a habit of writing short stories for friends who kept saying “hey you should write a book” but now have absolutely no idea what to do after getting the Author copies and Amazon listings.
COLD JUSTICE is the title of my soon to be Published manuscript…..I got the “you do not suck” stamp of approval from the publisher……but what about marketing?? I have to figure..
Just finished the first novel in a trilogy, working on improving it while starting the draft of the second. In your opinion, is it better to wait to submit until you have all three books written? Or do publishers prefer only the first?
It depends on the publisher. I would at the very least have a written synopsis of the other two. You, obviously, would have more advantage if all three are finished because they know they can count on you to write and finish multiple books.
I think I will be writing for an audience of one. My only excuse is that I need to start somewhere. Maybe after I’ve written a few that will change.
Oh geez – I meant I am pre-best-selling-author.
Aspiring first time author – glad I stumbled upon this. Looks like I need to do a deep dive into your blog if I want helpful, funny, real advice.
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