A Party in Your PJs–PAJAMACON The Ultimate Writer Fantasy

Need some adverbs taken out?

Need some adverbs taken out?

All right, Valentines Day is tomorrow. The perfect gift for the writer in your life? WANACon. Perfect gift for yourself, for the LOVE of your writing? WANACon. Last week, I detailed all the wonders of this revolutionary new conference. It’s from home. No travel. No heap of extra expenses like air fare, baggage fees, taxi rides, hotel, food, and parking. No body cavity search from the TSA. It’s affordable. It’s GLOBAL.

We have two New York Times best-selling authors, a USA Today best-selling author, award-winning and nationally best-selling authors, one of the TOP PR firms in the US, and a brilliant Intellectual Property Attorney to talk contracts. And we have hip, cool agents who understand and embrace the new publishing paradigm just waiting to hear about your novel.

WANA is here to help all writers, no matter the path you choose to take.

We even have SUPER successful indies to teach about Amazon, how to successfully self-publish, and how to make your self-published book as good if not better quality than even the big publishers.

What could be better than that, right?


WANA is all about reinventing the publishing paradigm, and what goes better with the Internet than PJs (and Monster Energy Drinks)? For those of you who sign up for Worldwide WANACon, you get a BONUS. Sunday with ME, in your jammies from 11-1 EST. I will be teaching Rise of the Machines–Human Authors in a Digital World (which is the title of my new book, btw).

We will talk about author brand, blogging and secrets to having your content go viral. There will even be a Q&A with me. Ask me anything you want to know about social media, blogging, craft or even how to genetically modify sea monkeys for the purpose of global domination.

Regular conferences are awesome, but they require a tie and slacks or makeup and Spanx. NOT PAJAMACon. It’s all about the PJs.

Yes, this is a bonus day, but the coolest part is that if you send us your jammy pictures, we will choose three winners. Surprise! Send us your Sponge Bob Jammies, your Star Wars Jammies, maybe even some irreverent Happy Bunny Jammies. We know you’re writers, so we are betting you have the best jammies out there (all PG, please). Put curlers in your hair or even show us your best bed head. Pose clutching a coffee pot with toddlers climbing your head…you know, how you normally write every day :D.

I will be teaching in jammies as well, namely because it’s always been a dream of mine :D. Other than having a REAL light saber.

PAJAMACon–the Conference full of WIN!

What’s Behind Door #1?

A 9 disc set of The Star Wars Saga on Blue Ray. Because, yes, WANA is ruled by geeks.

What’s Behind Door #2?

Gets me, The Death Star to read and critique the first ONE HUNDRED pages of your novel. If there are problems I will help you detail a plan to whip that WIP into publishing shape. Four years ago, I did this with Piper Bayard and now she has a sweet publishing deal and blurbs from no less than four NY Times Best-Selling Authors and a rave review from the Associated Press. Who knows what I might be able to do with your little gem? (Though, as a disclaimer, I’m an editor, not a magician. I will do my best ;)).

What’s Behind Door #3?

One winner will receive a YEAR of any participating WANA International class (up to Gold level) for only $10 a class (and 99% are participating). I would give the classes for FREE, but the $10 covers the technology that powers the classes. But, since most Gold level classes are $150 and above, this is a SWEET deal. You get a YEAR to learn about craft, business, law, social media, blogging, tweeting, as much as you can handle.


Again, here is where you can view the full conference schedule.

Sign up for BOTH DAYS of WANACon for a mere $125 (this includes ALL the parties and Surprise Pajama Sunday). Register HERE.

If you can only do one day? No problem! Registration is $75. Register HERE for DAY ONE or HERE for DAY TWO.

Ready to get an agent? Sign up for Agent Pitch Sessions HERE.

We hope to see you at WANACon and PAJAMACon. Seats are limited, so sign up asap. This is perhaps the ONLY V-Day gift better than chocolate and at WANACon, you will lose weight since you’ll be having so much fun, you might just forget to eat ;).

If you can’t attend WANACon, please at least help us spread the word. Since we don’t believe in traditional marketing or spam, WANA relies on genuine word of mouth. Please help spread the WANA love. Sow love and support then see what grows.


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  1. Hey Kristen! I would love to sign up, but will have my 3 kids here. Is the conference set up so that you can pause it and come back if you are pulled away? Or is it just a continuous set up where if you miss something, you just miss it?


    1. Some of the sessions will have recordings available, but the conference hours are so long and over three days (including Sunday) that even if you only made a handful, you’d get more than your money’s worth.

      1. Alrighty! I’ll be there with bells on then. Err, at least jammies!

    • Tamara LeBlanc on February 13, 2013 at 9:53 am
    • Reply

    LOVE this, Kristen!
    I’m still not at a point where I can afford this (even though for what you’re offering, the fee is a steal), but I’m so thrilled you’re doing this. I know it’s going to be a huge success and I can’t wait to be able to participate next year!
    Best wishes to you and the WANAs!!!
    Have a great week,

  2. I am very close to finishing my 150th rewrite, but wonder if it has to be done in order to pitch to an agent. The first 50 pages are pretty tight, but it hasn’t gone to an editor yet…note to self- need to hire editor!

  3. Such a fabulous idea! I hope the conference goes as wonderfully as you in your PJs are cute–i.e., MEGA. I’ll be at one of those old fashioned in-person cons this weekend (LOL), otherwise, I’d join in.

    • SweetSong on February 13, 2013 at 11:37 am
    • Reply

    I’ll be there! I’m really looking forward to it too. 😀

  4. So wish I could attend, Kirsten. Have a lot of medical treatments now (expensive). Not just for your wonderful advice and the incredible community but mainly because I have silk blue Leopard PJs!!
    My best, Lee 😉

  5. I really like the future, which you are advocating, for writers. The competition is fierce to be individually recognized and your proposals are simplifying the struggle. I cannot participate at this time, but it is certainly on a list of things to do someday. What is else is on the list? One is to fly to Manhattan to go to a non-digital conference and catch a Broadway play while there (“Murder, She Wrote” episode). There is the conference for writers on a cruise ship. Your way seems more affordable. Although, with plenty of money, I would like to spend it and to travel. I have a digital camera connected to the desktop, but the software did not upgrade or I would send an oversized T-shirt picture for the digital tuck-in. I do not have boxer shorts. I checked out the new tablets with the built-in camera(s) for video communications; it would be ideal for what you are doing. Getting a new tablet with the “tech” advancements might be better than the upgrades, but no money.

  6. Great post!! I’m in!!

  7. PAJAMACon!!!! How awesome! Thsi is my kind of event- but of course I need to go back to the other posts and check out details. But, for now, I’m in. Great idea. You rock!!!!

  8. First off I want to say that I think this a wonderful thing you are taking time to do for everyone. Secondly I have no doubt that not only would it be educational but also inspiring and fun!! Last but not least I hope I can make it to the next event that you do because I have to work during this one 🙁 I hope you all have a blast. I look forward to reading about how it all went. Oh and just for the record…You Rock!! 🙂

  9. Hi Kristen!

    Okay, so I’ve been hearing about the conference, and I’ve been going back and forth, back and forth on whether or not to attend, but this post has officially convinced me to “just do it!” 🙂

    Thank you so, so, so much for putting this online conference together! Even though it’s still tight fund-wise, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be able to attend an actual writer’s conference without spending an arm and a leg. I can’t wait ’til next week! 😀

  10. I’m really excited about this online conference, Kristen. Both of those dates have commitments on them. I’m trying to clear one of them now. If not, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for the next one. I did highlight this WANA conference in the Feed Finds at my blog on the 8th. Cheers!

    1. Wonderful. Even ONE day would still be fabulous. You know I would never lead you astray…unless there was red wine involved and then…yeah.

  11. Reblogged this on Catherine Johnson and commented:
    Spreading the word!

  12. Kristen, are any of the agents listening to pitches people who work with kidlit? Specifially either picture books, or MG? You can email me at: tracybermeo (at) gmail (dot) com. My one working braincell may not remember to come back to this post to get the answer. 🙂

  13. Coolest. Pic. Ever!
    I need to get the wife to dress like that…

  1. […] more about WANACon, the Sunday Pajama Party and all the prizes you and your jammies could win, read Kristen’s post, and buy your tickets […]

  2. […] Want to go to a conference, but don’t want to travel? Go to WANACon! Kristen Lamb gives us a bonus PajamaCon. […]

  3. […] A Party in Your PJs–PAJAMACON, the Ultimate Writer Fantasy. WANAMama Kristen Lamb is hosting WANACon, an online writers conference on February 22-23. World class authors, publishers, and attorneys will present classes on writing craft, publishing, and publishing law. As a special treat, Kristen will be topping off the event with PAJAMACON on Sunday, when she will teach her special jedi magic in her pajamas. Should be a great event! […]

  4. […] Lamb: A Party in Your PJs–PAJAMACON The Ultimate Writer Fantasy. Excerpt: “Last week, I detailed all the wonders of this revolutionary new conference. It’s […]

  5. […] hope to see you at WANACon and PAJAMACon. Seats are limited, so sign up asap. If you can’t attend WANACon, please at least help us spread […]

  6. […] hope to see you at WANACon and PAJAMACon. Seats are limited, so sign up asap. If you can’t attend WANACon, please at least help us spread […]

  7. […] You do pay a registration fee but look at the money you save on travel, food, that pretty new “power suit” you’ve had your eye on, etc. From the comforts of your home or as WANA Mama, Kristen Lamb says, “a party in your P.J.’s, the ultimate writer fantasy.” […]

  8. […] Sure you pay a registration fee but look at the money you save on travel, food, that pretty new “power suit” you’ve had your eye on, etc. From the comforts of your home or as WANA Mama, Kristen Lamb says, “a party in your P.J.’s, the ultimate writer fantasy.” […]

  9. […] (If you haven’t signed up for WANACon yet, sign up soon. It’s coming up fast, February 22-23. I’ll be there! And check out Kristen’s post from yesterday with all the cool prizes she’s giving away at the conferen….) […]

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