Proper branding is one of THE most critical elements of author success. Brands that are outdated, boring, rigid, abandoned, fractured, negative or nonexistent are not only unhelpful, but they can spell disaster to our career and eating potential as artists. An author brand has to fit in the new paradigm. If we live in a world that’s changing hourly, our brands have to be able to bend and move and shift with changes.
Tag: WANACon
Feb 17 2014
Show Me the Money–What's the Skinny on Author Earnings?
I can tell you that the authors who treat writing as a business and who seek education and mentoring are making a heck of a lot more than $1000 a year. I’ve seen that, too. I’ve witnessed many writers who were willing to do all it took to make a good living writing and boy they are. Hugh Howey, Teresa Ragan, H.P. Mallory, and Saffina Deforges (three of these four I know personally and all great people and I many more examples but this post is long enough).
Feb 14 2014
Commitment is the Cure–From "Aspiring" Writer to Professional Author
When we allow others to talk us into “real jobs”, they won’t be the ones who die a slow death every day. They won’t be the ones who throw up every day on the way to work (been there). They won’t be the one with a broken heart, an empty life and a mental spiral of what-ifs that keep them awake at night.
Feb 12 2014
Setbacks, Success, Excuses, Oh MY! The Truth About Publishing & Myths About Muses
It’s easy to be miserable when life or our art isn’t cooperating. It’s hard to choose to remain peaceful and continue pressing with a positive attitude. But the more we exercise peace, joy and self-discipline, the stronger they become. But resistance is what makes them grow. Resistance can be a good thing if we remember to keep it in a positive perspective.
Feb 10 2014
Journey from Aspiring Dreamer to Hardened Professional Author
Does anyone question the team with the group shot on the top of K-2? Do they say, “Well, you slid at least twenty times and nearly fell into an ice cave. Oh and then there was that delay because of weather. And you had to have a team of sherpas to help you. Your summit doesn’t count.” No. Either we finish the book or we don’t. Whether it took ten revisions, or a hundred, no one cares.