Category: Writing

Character Building: How Story Forges & Refines Characters

Ultimately, fictional characters reflect the real human experience in a distilled and intensified form. This, however, doesn’t give an automatic pass on authenticity.

The Johari Window: Understanding & Harnessing the Character Blind Spot

The Johari Window is a powerful tool for crafting dimensional characters. It also helps creators develop layered stories that will resonate for generations.

Wounds: Unforgettable Characters are Fashioned from Damaged Pieces

Wounds provide friction vital for conflict, No conflict, no story. Conflict turns pages, sells books, and cultivates passionate fans.

FEAR: Why Humans Crave Stories That Scare Them

Since fear practically saturates every area of our lives, readers are gravitating more and more to books that allow them to put a face to the fear and then kick its metaphorical @$$. We can’t do much of anything about escalating tensions with Iran and Iraq or the Fukishima reactors that continue to pollute the oceans. And, since we DO NOT LIKE feeling powerless, these stories hand us back some form of agency and ease our terrors.

The Evil Has Landed: Villains Could Be Much Like You…or Even Me

Much of what goes into forming villains that gets underneath the audience’s skin is to understand—really understand our story—make sure it is strong enough and then search out those pain points that will likely exist in our readers. That’s how to know what variety of evil will unravel them the most.