Since fear practically saturates every area of our lives, readers are gravitating more and more to books that allow them to put a face to the fear and then kick its metaphorical @$$. We can’t do much of anything about escalating tensions with Iran and Iraq or the Fukishima reactors that continue to pollute the oceans. And, since we DO NOT LIKE feeling powerless, these stories hand us back some form of agency and ease our terrors.
Tag: dystopian fiction
Aug 27 2018
FEAR: Why Humans Crave Stories That Disturb Them
Fear is, in all likelihood, the single most complex human emotion. Our fears can keep us up at night, but they can also be the only thing that keeps us alive. They can save us, strangle us, liberate us or even destroy us. Like fire, fear can be mesmerizing and for sound reasons. We understand …