What if a masochist (we’ll call him “Bobby”) captured you and made you choose?: Do you want a sharp stabbing pain that occurs in a few seconds/minutes, or would you prefer a low level, always-on pain for a month?
Sep 02 2009
The Power of Fear
Fear most definitely is the mind-killer. There has probably been no better moniker assigned to this emotion. Fear has the power to cripple, maim, paralyze, and kill your writing and your career.
Aug 27 2009
Growing Pains–Meet "Critique Jerk"
So you may think the jerk in your writing group serves no purpose, but he does. He is there to rub and rub and rub and rub on you….until you build a callous. Publishing is brutal, and the thicker our skin, the better the chances we survive and thrive.
Aug 12 2009
Critique–"If You Can't Stand the Heat, then Get Out of the Kitchen"
Do not take critique personally, but DO take it seriously.