Tag: english

Growing Pains–Meet "Critique Jerk" (Repost)

So you may think the jerk in your writing group serves no purpose, but he does. He is there to rub and rub and rub and rub on you….until you build a callous. Publishing is brutal, and the thicker our skin, the better the chances we survive and thrive

Editing–Meet the Novel Killer

If you are writing a novel, you need to leave any kind of edit for once you have finished the entire first draft. Breathe. Get a paper bag. You will be okay. Just trust me.

Welcome to Hell–Surviving Fiction

The author must first have a hook that makes the reader want more, and then create a protagonist who possesses a story-worthy problem that makes us desire to spend the next 80-100,000 words giving a crap…without tipping over in the TDTL category (Too Dumb to Live). On top of that, there is pace, tone, POV, characterization, etc.

National Novel Writing Month–Sowing the Seeds of Success

Farmers work first and play later. They plan. They prepare for the worst and hope for the best, all the while staying fixed on the ultimate goal…harvest. Farmers understand that it is no one great action, but a collection of small everyday habits that leads to success. Writers have to do the same.

A Good Gritique Group Will Tell You, "You Have an Ugly Baby" by Terrell Mims

Writers who join critique groups should not go to be coddled. They have friends and family for that.