Got home from Thrillerfest early this morning…as in about 1:00 this morning. Made it to bed slightly before 2:00 a.m. and then The Spawn was up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6:30. So you might have guessed that I feel like I have been hit by a truck. But, I haven’t blogged since last Monday so I figured I’d pop in and say hello before you started holding candlelight vigils and checking milk cartons to find me.
Oh, and forget the milk cartons. I’ve left instructions that if I ever go missing to put my picture on wine bottles so my friends would actually know I am missing.
I guess the good news is that there was no Zombie Apocalypse while I was away in NYC. I would be lying if I said wasn’t at least a little disappointed. But I am going to L.A. (Anaheim) next week, so I will still make sure to pack my 5 TSA-Friendly Weapons for the Zombie Apocalypse, because we all know that pandemics that turn living humans into the walking dead never happen when you need them to. Like when you have been screwing off instead of writing and really need more time to make your deadline or when you have to clean out the refrigerator.
Though my refrigerator, from the looks of things, could unleash the zombie pandemic so I think its best I leave that be for now until I can call the CDC and ask about proper liquid lettuce disposal. But the CDC doesn’t believe in zombies, and they don’t return accept my calls…so I’ll let Shawn clean it.
New York was SUPER AMAZING. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE New York City. Some of you may not know this, but my dad was a Texan and my mom is from New York, so I’ve spent much of my life very verklempt, y’all. It took all of an hour before I felt right at home. NYC is an extrovert’s DREAM. Beautiful buildings, lots to see, great energy, fabulous food…but a tad expensive.
Anyway, Thrillerfest was fabulous. My panel went really well, and is feels like a real victory for WANA. I think the future is bright for writers and it can be for publishing as well. They just need to change their approach and update their business model, but we will talk more about that later in the week when I’m no longer hallucinating from sleep-deprivation.
The pink bunnies aren’t REAL?
I was blessed to meet some of my author heroes:
Yes, I am a total groupie and got as many pictures with famous people as possible. In fact, my friend James Scott Bell said I reminded him of Forrest Gump because every time he saw me I was standing next to some famous person. I still haven’t decided whether I should be insulted or flattered.
I was super sad to leave NYC and I really hope I get an opportunity to return there soon. It was so wonderful getting to meet with my WANA peeps and to make new ones. Publishing is going through a lot of growing pains, but it was a real blessing to be able to show them the WANA way, that we are not alone, that the future can be truly wonderful if we all work together. We can’t use tools of yesterday to carve out tomorrow. It’s like Forrest said, Stupid is as stupid does.
Hmmm, maybe Jim was on to something comparing me to Gump :D.
Well, off to try and rest. I am dreading the refrigerator and we have no food in the house that isn’t a possible source of Ebola. Also have a 55 pound suitcase that needs unpacking and somehow I made it to this point in my life and STILL do not have servants. Not like that would matter. I’d be getting the maid a drink while she got off her feet and I “helped.” I am pathetic, and tired, and needing chocolate. I ate pancetta with polenta for breakfast because it was the only thing in the house still edible. The fact that everything started with P and sounded all fancy Italian was just a happy accident.
So what are your thoughts? Have you been to NYC and loved it? What did you see or do? What would you recommend if I return? What are your thoughts on famous people? Have you met any? Were they awesome or snotty? Are you a groupie too? Did you just HAVE to get your picture taken with them? Who is the most famous person you know? When you go on trips, do you hate returning to your fridge? Unpacking? What is the best and worst part of traveling in your opinion?
I love hearing from you!
To prove it and show my love, for the month of July, everyone who leaves a comment I will put your name in a hat. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you get your name in the hat twice. If you leave a comment, and link back to my blog, and mention my book We Are Not Alone in your blog…you get your name in the hat THREE times. What do you win? The unvarnished truth from yours truly.
***Changing the contest.
It is a lot of work to pick the winners each week. Not that you guys aren’t totally worth it, but with the launch of WANA International and WANATribe I need to streamline. So I will pick a winner once a month and it will be a critique of the first 20 pages of your novel, or your query letter, or your synopsis (5 pages or less).
And also, winners will now have a limited time to claim the prize, because what’s happening is there are actually quite a few people who never claim the critique, so I never know if the spam folder ate it or to look for it and then people miss out. I will also give my corporate e-mail to insure we connect and I will only have a week to return the 20 page edit.
At the end of July I will pick a winner for the monthly prize. Good luck!
I also hope you pick up copies of my best-selling books We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer . And both are recommended by the hottest agents and biggest authors in the biz. My methods teach you how to make building your author platform FUN. Build a platform and still have time left to write great books.
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Great photos. You are a real groupie girl!!!
Terrific to finally meet you! Even though we never did get a picture together. 🙁
CRAP! You are right! :C Herding writers is like herding cats. I guess I will just have to return and get one next year, LOL.
Kristen, did you meet Karin Slaughter at Thrillerfest? I told her you were there and asked her if she ran into you (on foot and on purpose. ;-))
Ahhh! Would have loved to have been there first hand, but experiencing it through your post is a great runner up. 🙂 Glad you had an wonderful time, rubbed shoulders with awesomeness and successfully pitched WANA like only you can!
Those are some great pics. Visited New York years ago and loved it there. Saw “Chicago” on Broadway and did the usual touristy stuff, including chasing down the half naked cowboy for a picture 🙂
Sounds like an amazing trip. New York City is a magical place…
And now I impart upon you my famous packing tip, which I’m sure will one day be featured on the Today Show in a very “OMG-that’s-the-coolest-tip-EVER” type interview with the very perky Savannah Guthrie: When you pack for your return…pack in laundry loads! So if you have two suitcases, one can be your whites, one your darks. Or if you’re like I am and a bit OCD about laundry, half of one is “special” whites (hang to dry, cold water types), half regular whites, half the other is special darks, and so on.
Then you get home, open your suitcases into your laundry bins, and you’re good to go! All of it needs washing, after all — airplane cargo hold air is yucky.
Good luck with the recuperation!
I’ll take this one step further. If you have one suitcase, throw in there a few kitchen garbage bags, and when your packing to return, just put your darks in one, lights on another, and so on.when you get home everything comes out fast and is ready for the wash!
Perfect, Shawn — I do that too! I’ll be in touch once the Today Show comes a-callin’… 😉
I, too, LOVE NYC! One of my sons who used to live there was the best tour guide a Texas woman could ever have.
Sounds like you had a fabulous week! NY is wonderful! Two of my neices live there.I rarely drink, but I had the best Mojito the last time I was there and after two sips I got dizzy.That’s the reason I don’t drink much! lol My husband was happy to finish it for me. 🙂
I’m another who enjoyed meeting you there. Please keep up the great blogging, fridge-zombies or not!
I’ve only been to New York once, right after high school graduation. My favorite part was East Village. It doesn’t matter where I go, I always look for the strangest artist hang out in the city.
The most famous person I’ve met was Adam West, and, with the exception of the witnesses, it’s a story I only tell my closest friends and family. Twenty years later, I still snicker whenever I hear his voice on television or see him in an old show.
LOL, Kristen, I think you’re on to something with the wine bottles instead of milk cartons.
How fun! I haven’t been to New York in forever, but I’m planning to go next year and this post reminds me that it’s high time. I’m a secret groupie on the inside, but I’m always too shy to go ask for pictures 🙂 You rock!
I did see someone famous once. It was not in NYC. It was in Pennsylvania. Do you remember the banker’s secretary on the Beverly Hillbillies? I saw that actress in a restaurant having dinner with her mother. We did not get a picture, so there is not documented proof of this sighting.
Jim Bell is awesome. He always remembers Marcy and I – at some point I may feel somewhat stalkerish – but it hasn’t happened yet. You got to meet Ted Dekker? I’m so jealous. I have an author-fantasy about Ted Dekker – but I haven’t said it out loud because I don’t want to jinx it. I am SO going to Thrillerfest next year!!! Marcy and I went to the Writer’s Digest conference in NYC – but our only free time was in the evenings. I made Marcy explore Central Park in the dark and she made me window shop at Whole Foods. 😛
I’ve been to NYC several times and if I was rich, I’d live there. (And I am so not an extrovert, but I am a people watcher.) I’ve waited on several famous people. The worst tipper was Greg Allman. Cher was right to dump him because how a man treats the waitress is how he will eventually treat you.
I used to be related to Helen Slater, aka Supergirl. He was my first husband’s first cousin. I’m friends with a pretty famous record producer and he even acted in a play I wrote about superheroes working at WalMart. But, I’m famous in my own way, so I’m gonna say I’m the most famous person I know.
Ted Dekker is super cool…..and not what I imagined he would look like.
I love that first picture. I call that expression “putting on a New York street-face”. My heroine, Manners Doctor Camilla Randall has to use it in all of my mysteries. In fact, I used to see Gwyneth Paltrow as Camilla, but from now on, I think I’m going to see her as Kristen Lamb. You’d be just perfect in the movie! (I’ll have my imaginary people call your imaginary people.)
BTW, HOW TO BE A WRITER IN THE E-AGE…and Keep Your E-Sanity–which you’ve done so much to support– is FREE TODAY on Amazon.
So much fun to meet you, finally, Kristen! Enjoyed dinner Thursday night — and you obviously had a fabulous time! New York is amazing!!!
Welcome home, Kristen! I moved from California to NYC in 1973 to see what the Big Apple was all about. I worked at NBC Studios so there were famous people coming and going all the time, but the best part was living with Broadway chorus kids who would sneak me into every highfalutin’ play of the day. The city at that time was gritty and raw, but still magical in a love/hate kind of way. I moved back to sunny California where I spent most of my life and never entertained the idea of returning to NYC until my son decided he’d like to move there. (A perfect lesson in parental karma.) So, after thirty-eight years, I returned to NYC to find it had gone through an extreme makeover. Someone had nipped and tucked the sags and bags, and I’d swear the Statute of Liberty had a brow lift while I was gone.
My favorite thing to do in the city is to stop, look and listen. No note pad, no camera, no cell phone, just the sights and sounds of the city seeping into my bones. After seeing my son, I returned to my island in the Pacific Northwest where I live in the woods. But every now and then, between the call of an eagle overhead or patter of the rain, I hear the song of New York City in my bones.
We never did get a group shot of WANA’s. Ah well! That just means we have to get together again! I will say, though, that being in NYC actually exhausts me. I guess I find the sensory overload a bit overwhelming. I’ve never thought of myself as an introvert, more like a person who rides the cusp in between intro and extro…but in NYC, I could feel my energy drain away just standing on the sidewalk. I needed a hole to crawl into to recharge. So glad Rachel was there…she was my go-to for recharging 😀
See ya next week, Kristin! I’ll be at RWA…I’ll find you. muahahahaha
You and me both. I grew up in LA, and the city totally drains me. So, my answer to Kristen since she likes it so much is a corporate jet, go as much as she wants and back even quicker! That, and i have an airplane fetish.
Wannabe writer who supports self as a truck driver. My opinion of NYC is far different from yours. I like the idea of sealing the bridges and letting our friends the zombies have at them. NYC is so bad some trucking companies have to pay their drivers bonuses to get them to deliver there. It’s a good thing that they have such a great zombie breeding ground. AKA subway system because New Yorkers can’t drive. Only Boston has a worse reputation, but don’t worry Atlanta is coming on fast. Anyway I’m glad you made it back alive.
Hahahaha you and I think alike!
My daughter and her hubby live in NY, so I’ve been a few times. The introvert me finds it a bit overwhelming, but the writer me is fascinated by it. And I love visiting my daughter. She knows where all the good desserts are buried (just scopes them out for me, she’s a runner!). I’m glad you had a great time and that you are back. I’ve never really met a famous person. I just tweet about them.
I live in NJ and drive in NYC. I’m with skunkboy. I come from MA and after driving in Manhattan I got comfortable driving in Boston.
At Boskone this past February I met John Scalzi and remet a number of well known sci fi writers. Unfortunately due to the car accident shortly after I don’t remember their names. I did see Patrick Nielsen-Hayden again who is very different around fans then in small groups of mostly people in the biz (where I’d previously met him over 10 years before). It never occurred to me to get my picture taken with anyone other than close friends.
My husband used to be an equity trader, so he’s spent a lot of time in the city. We couldn’t care less about the famous people, but being Italian, we are interested in the food. Some Wall Street guys took him to a place in Little Italy where they had no menu at all… they just brought out course after course of good, family style food (and, growing up with our mothers and grandmothers, he knows good Italian food). He said by the time they got to dessert, he couldn’t even eat any more, so he can’t speak about the desserts, but everything else was great. I don’t know if that place is still there, but he said of all the places he went in NYC, that was one place he’d like to revisit. It wasn’t gourmet, but it was like nonna’s table – comfortable and reasonable. At least, it was when he went. If we ever go to NYC, he’s taking me there first thing.
Anyway, I’m glad the zombies were held at bay and you’re back in one piece!
Thanks for letting us experience Thrillerfest vicariously. Given your schedule you must have written this post at 4:00 AM! Sounds like you’ll be at RWA next week. That will be my first time at that convention so I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the WANA gang. Are we planning an event? Preferably with wine, of course.
Love your blog (as usual) but can’t say the same for NYC. Went there for New Year’s Eve a decade ago and felt we were being crushed by an uncaring sea of humanity. Police did nothing to maintain order. Someone tried to steal my wife’s purse. Beer spilled on us. NO FUN at all! And for what? Stood there for hours to crane our necks to see a ball take 10 seconds to slide down a pole … and it was over! Compared to crowd control at New Orleans’ Mardi Gras, this was nothing but an out of control mob. Crowds at Mardi Gras are (or have been) every bit as large and fun loving, but also more concerned about the welfare of their neighbors. You can have The Big Apple. I’ll take The Big Easy!
Sounds like you had an awesome time. My husband and I have been on 4 vacations since getting married, and every one of them (including our honeymoon) was to NYC. So awesome. We spend all our time seeing shows and eating. I even broke my kneecap ice skating in Central Park, though I didn’t know it was broken at the time. And I had to walk 17 blocks to the hotel because my dear spouse wouldn’t pay for a cab. Oh, I have New York stories ;).
LOVE the post, love the pictures and I can’t wait to see what you get up to in Anaheim. 🙂
My favorite line (in a post full of ’em)? “I ate pancetta with polenta for breakfast because it was the only thing in the house still edible. The fact that everything started with P and sounded all fancy Italian was just a happy accident.”
I’ll be laughing all day over that one. See you in a week!!
I love New York City, too. And even more so now that I can connect it with WANA memories. Meeting you and other tribe-mates rocked! So did your panel. Thanks for making the writing world a brighter place. Even we dark crime authors need that lightness. 😉
Verklempt? What a fun word to use! I know first hand that there is no better place on the planet than NYC. Born and raised in the Big Apple, I love Coney Island and pretzels drizzled with mustard from the hot dog stands. I’ ll take the subway just to let someone else do the steering then I can observe all the characters on the train. Enjoyed your pics, I have one with Nikki Giovanni, but I don’t really KNOW her so, the most famous person I truly know is the mayor of this town here in Florida where I presently reside. Does he count? LOL
Sounds like you had a blast, Kristen. Thanks for sharing the photos. There’s nothing wrong about being a groupie 🙂 I’d love to have my picture taken with my favorite writers, including you.
My best advice for returning home from a journey is to make the next day a pizza or take-away day. Jet lag makes planning grocery shopping and cooking really challenging.
Wow, sounds like you had an awesome time in NY, even if you’re feeling like a zombie today. A good night’s sleep will fix that. Great pics of you with all the famous folks. I’m not crazy about crowds. Not an extrovert, though I would have loved hanging out with all the WANAs and hearing the awesome speakers and panels. James Scott Bell is a hoot, comparing you to Forrest Gump! LOL! Enjoy your wine and chocolate when Spawn goes to bed!
Great article as usual, haven’t been to NYC, although….I have driven through it on Google Street view, does that count? As for famous people. I have spoken to Suzi Quatro over the phone once or twice and we emailed back and forth for a year sporadically. Considering she was my first pin up girl back in the ’70s that was a big thing for me. She was down to earth, actually completely normal and very friendly.
I am just so jealous. All those Authors!!! Sandra Brown is one of my favorites. And of course you!
I grew up in New York, but I need to go back with the eye of a writer looking for characters. Sounds like you had a great time there.
Working in the film business means I know many famous people. Some are really down to earth and amazing. Some are more beautiful in person than on screen. Some are annoying cretins who don’t deserve their fans. My favorite famous story is the time I offered Andy Garcia a massage (he clearly needed it – it was a hard scene), which he gladly accepted and gave me a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
Gorgeous pics Kristen! Actually it takes a lot of guts to go and stand beside the famous people. Good on you. I’ve got my annual foray into volunteering at the Storylines Children’s Lit Festival Family day coming up. I do the same there. I take a camera and try to talk the authors I deal with into being photographed with me!!! Birds of a feather .. you know :-)!
Ah-mazing! Kristen, this conference looks killer! I can totally see you hobnobbing with all these people! I saw you and Eriq La salle and my jaw dropped. LOL.
Hope you tell us more about how your panel went and what other great advice you learned. Were you doing all this AND Fast Drafting again? You are a machine. How do you remember to put your clothes on right side up? You look gorgeous in all these photos!
Looks like it was a wonderful trip…so what’s the Lambo reference? That’s my maiden name and I grew up in New York…
My last name is Lamb, so I get called “Lambo.”
I guess that makes us sisters then…ah, connections. I recently cried into the universe that I was ready to blog in order to get my writer-self out there, but needed help since I had no idea how to do it right. Next day, a blog of yours found its way into my inbox. I can’t even remember who sent it to me, but there it was. I’m making my way through your 2 books and you’ve kicked my butt into high gear. I just want to say THANK YOU for sharing and giving back…I’ll be joining the tribe very soon. All the best,
My grandparents lived on Richmond Terrace in Staten Island. We’d visit them every summer when I was a kid and I’d walk out the front door of their house and have this fabulous view of the Statue of Liberty and the NYC skyline. We’d walk the 1 mile down to the ferry and head over to the City to explore. It was such a great experience for a kid from SC. Last summer, I went back to the City for the first time in almost 20 years. We stayed at a B&B called 1871 House – highly recommended – it’s close to Central Park. There was a fantastic cafe around the corner with The Tuscan Platter, – to die for! And go to Serendipity3 for the frozen hot chocolate, .
Did you get to a Broadway show? I think everyone should see a play on Broadway (or off-Broadway) at least once in their lives. 🙂
Love your pictures! How exciting to meet so many wonderful writerly-types. It sounds like a fabulous trip.
Kristen, glad you’re home and didn’t have to drop your Legos while you were in the Big Apple.
Also, take the Forrest Gump reference as a compliment, Mr. Gump is a bad-ass.
Third, I second Jess Witkins comment, hope you tell us all about your panel and pass on any advice you’re willing to share.
Quatro, did you get a chance to go to Juniors? When I was there last year for RWA nationals we ate at the one on Times Square 3 meals a day…the cheese blintzs with strawberries, heavenly. The potato pancake sandwich, to die for!!!
Sixth, loved the pics 🙂
Have a restful evening!!
Talk about zombies! All these people who have never been to New York? Or been there once? Whaaat? Come on people! Meanwhile, i go all the time but I had to stay upstate because of Visitor’s Day atmy son’s summer camp. Visit my son or ThrillerFest? Tough choice! I wish I had known y ‘all were going! It would have been faboo to play with you. You know, after the work part. Glad you had fun. Did you get my tweet? Where I told you I was 6 hours away? Yeah. New York isnt as big as Texas, but it’s big enough so I couldn’t just pop in for drinks! Next time at DFW! 😉
This is a comment. I’m in baby!
Hi, Kristen,
I enjoyed reading about your New York trip and seeing photos of you and famous persons. I have your book, We are not alone, and read it. I finally figured out what WANA stands for. I also came home to an ignored refrigerator after a cruise to the Baltic where they were celebrating 19 hour days. After seeing all the gold leaf in Catherine’s Palace in St. Petersberg, I feel as if my home is too plain.
I appreciate all the good information in We are not alone and hope to incorporate it when I twitter.
Carolyn Williamson
NO one looks drunk. So this drinking whiskey all day til i get published doesn’t work?
I didn’t drink very much at all. There was too much to learn and I needed my wits about me :D. We cut loose for Ingrid’s birthday but the conference was over by then.
My husband and I used to own a toy and school supply business so he went to NYC every year for toy fair. I went every other. I LOVE New York. I’ve seen many famous people over the years, but unlike a convention where they are there to meet people, I saw them in random places. Because of that, I never said anything to them.
My favorite sighting was in the Oak Room at the Plaza. JFK Jr. was there “holding court” with a bunch of beautiful (hot) women. He was the only guy at the table. Some of their outfits were quite provocative. One gal had on a tuxedo jacket with nothing underneath and it was quite loose fitting if you get my drift.
When we got back to Boulder, I saw the National Enquirer with a photo of the table and some headline about Caroline (his fiancee at the time) being very upset that he was out “womanizing!”
It was before cell phones and small cameras or I would have taken a “stealth” picture!
I will be meeting James Rollins tonight at a book signing! That may be the only celebrity I see for a while. 🙂
I would love to go to Thrillerfest next year. By then, I should have one to pitch!
Kristin, I’ve never been to NYC but my oldest son loves it. In fact, he’s spending the summer on Long Island. His life is rough,let me tell you. 😉 Maybe one day I’ll be able to visit The Big Apple and at least take a nibble of it. Would you hold my hand when I do? I want to be close to someone who knows what to do in case the Zombie Apocalypse decides to ruin my vacation.
I lived within driving distance of NYC when I was in DE for 3 years and never went. Duh. But I’m an introvert anyway so don’t feel like I need to go.
I’m a total nerd when it comes to famous people. I only want to meet Nobel winners or famous scientists. I am proud to say I’ve met David Hubel, Noam Chomsky, Richard Dawkins, and, my best brag: Daniel Kahneman was my Psyc 200 prof! I’ve also met Pierre Trudeau…but I don’t really count Prime Ministers as brags, however charismatic they are. 😉
This was awesome to pop in here and see all of the fab pics from your NYC trip! Since I’m currently reading Revision & Self-Editing by James Scott Bell, I was particularly happy to see you and him standing together like old buddies (did you have your candy van?). So glad you had a wonderful time!
[…] well, everything, or felt the tenseness in the room soften when during a serious discussion, Kristen Lamb said, “Today is the best time to be an author.” Running into Diane Capri and Lee Child […]
[…] Zombies, Rambo’s Daddy & Forrest Gump–Just Another Day in The Big Apple Kristen Lamb takes a break and attends Thrillerfest in New York. […]