Category: The Writer’s Life

Fortitude: Dream, Do, Then Keep on DOING Day After Day

drudgery, Atomic Habits, boredom, Kristen Lamb, success

We’re rarely limited by our talent, yet we’re all too often hobbled by impatience. Drudgery makes us cave in too soon.

Why is “Suddenly” Everyone on the Spectrum?

Why does it seem like suddenly everyone is on the spectrum? Everyone is ADD, ADHD, autistic? They aren’t. We just need a fresh perspective.

Neurodivergent Authors: Not Lazy or “Broken”

Being neurodivergent can give us major advantages as authors. That said, there are plenty of challenges that can go with our “gift.”

Change Happens: Acceptance vs. Resignation

Change is part of life. Anything that is living, should be growing (or even healing) which means it changes. Only dead things remain the same. This is true with people as well as industries.

Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?

darkest moment, fiction, Kristen Lamb

Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. How do we get up? And keep getting up?