Instructor: Kristen Lamb
Regular Price: $55.00 USD Standard
SALE PRICE: $35.00 USD Standard
Where: W.A.N.A. Digital Classroom
Whenever I mention the word “blog” writers go pale and likely envision some mindless alien life form that rolls over crowds of screaming people, then melts and absorbs them.
For clarification that is the BLOB and NOT the Blog. Though the way blogging is so frequently taught? Totally understand the confusion.
Blogging is THE most powerful form of social media, and ALSO the most misused and misunderstood (hence why writers avoid it and throw holy water on it).
Twitter could flitter and Facebook could fold but the blog will remain so long as we have an Internet. The blog has been going strong since the 90s and it’s one of the best ways to establish a brand and then harness the power of that brand to drive book sales.
The best part is, done properly, a blog plays to a writer’s strengths. Writers write.
Oh it is also the easiest of all forms of social media to monetize and the more love you give it, the more it will give back.
This class is going to cover:
- How author blogs work. What’s the difference in a regular blog and an author blog?
- What do we blog about? What is going to draw readers and get them excited?
- How do we understand the magical sorcery of Google and harness it to work our WILL? *evil laugh*
- How can we monetize a blog? Oh no! Asking for money! Scary stuff indeed.
- How can you cultivate a fan base of people who are uniquely YOUR fans?
- How does a blog sell books? Because they do…seriously.
Blogging is only hard if we make it that way. This class will help you simplify your blog and make it one of the most enjoyable aspects of your writing career.