Our culture trains us to be ‘nice.’ No is a two-letter ‘four-letter word.’ Boundaries are ‘being mean.’ We should all strive to ‘understand, be flexible, and all get along.’ It’s as if there’s no middle ground between jerk and b$#@ versus someone with a healthy sense of boundaries. Besides *chirpy voice* good deeds add up. …
Tag: codependency
Aug 06 2014
Making Writing a Priority & When Helping is Hurting
The weird thing about the new paradigm of publishing is the Digital Age Author is a very different creature. She might be a single mom trying to squeeze in a couple hundred words before the kids wake up or a husband struggling to fit in a writing burst during a lunch break. It can be a dad striving to finish his book while still caring for his family. Maybe it’s a retired person balancing living a dream of writing while caring for grandkids.