Category: Success

Fortitude: Dream, Do, Then Keep on DOING Day After Day

drudgery, Atomic Habits, boredom, Kristen Lamb, success

We’re rarely limited by our talent, yet we’re all too often hobbled by impatience. Drudgery makes us cave in too soon.

Imposter Syndrome: Am I a REAL Writer?

Imposter syndrome is a feeling very common to many creative professionals. Ironically, feeling like a fraud strikes even high-achievers.

Give Up! Why Your Genre is Probably Stupid

Space books? Dumb. Sexy books. Dumb. Westerns? Obviously dumb. Self-help? Why would I waste time on just how dumb those are.

Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?

darkest moment, fiction, Kristen Lamb

Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. How do we get up? And keep getting up?

What Do You Call a Writer Who Never Reads?

What do we call a writer who doesn’t read? Is it even possible to be a good writer without also being a prolific reader?