Tag: fiction

Personality Traits: Creating Dimensional Characters

Personality traits make for not only a fascinating study, but have continued to be at the heart of spirited debate since probably the dawn of time.

Change Matters: How to Write Stories that Grip Readers & Don’t Let Go

Stories always have to be about people and the ways the story problem forces them to change. Without that? We don’t yet have a sound story.

Character Building: How Story Forges & Refines Characters

Ultimately, fictional characters reflect the real human experience in a distilled and intensified form. This, however, doesn’t give an automatic pass on authenticity.

Creating a Story-Worthy Problem That Will Captivate an Audience

The story-worthy problem is the beating heart of all superlative fiction. Unfortunately, creating this central core can often be overlooked. This is particularly true for writers relying on school training. English teachers didn’t mind we used twenty-five metaphors on one page because their goal was to teach us how to properly use a metaphor…not how …

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Deep POV: What IS It & Why Do Readers LOVE It So Much?

Deep POV is one of those subtle tricks we writers have in our magic bag. Want to sell more books? Give readers what they LOVE. What do readers LOVE? Being IN the story.