Tag: Kristen Lamb

The Seven Deadly Sins of Prologues

To prologue or not to prologue? That is the question. Does our story actually need one, or are we cool to just dive in? Great question.

The Priority Parallax: What’s TRULY Important?

To be blunt, we’re all facing a priority problem. We’re being relentlessly told we can have it ALL, when no…no we can’t.

World-Building: Captivate Readers & Never Let Go

World-building is essential for every story, but obviously genre will have a major influence on how much our story requires. Setting can add an entirely new level of dimension to our stories.

Writing Rules: How & Why We Play ‘Follow the Reader’

Writing rules tend to make newbies break out in hives. They, as I once did, believe that the word ‘rules’ automatically implies creativity is somehow stymies and the art will not flow. WRONG.