Boutique is BIG. Writers can curate content for a highly specific audience. Take any slice of society and an author can build a niche around that.
Tag: how to get more readers
Oct 31 2018
Description: Fiction Without the Fillers
National Novel Writing Month starts tomorrow (a.k.a. NaNoWriMo). For those who aren’t yet familiar with NaNoWriMo, it is a yearly challenge to write 50K words in thirty days. It’s a fantastic introduction into writing as a profession, because writing as a profession differs vastly from writing for a hobby. NaNoWriMo is held during the first …
Apr 12 2018
Hook Your Readers: 3 Tips to Catch & Keep Your Audience
How do we sell our stories? That is the big question. It is the reason for craft classes and editing and cover design and agents and editors and all the time on social media. And while platforms and covers and algorithms do matter, there is one tried and true way to sell more books. Write …