Tag: Kristen Lamb

Arc: How Characters Grow and Change Organically

arc, character arc, conflict, redemption, writing fiction, Kristen Lamb

Some people, when crisis hits, don’t, can’t or won’t change. Often these people die. At the least, they can put everyone around them in danger.

Personality Traits: Creating Dimensional Characters

Personality traits make for not only a fascinating study, but have continued to be at the heart of spirited debate since probably the dawn of time.

Psychology of Selling: Understanding the Consumer

When we appreciate that our goal isn’t a race to the bottom of who can give away the most for free or almost free, that is liberating.

CHANGE: A Simple Formula for the Life You WANT

So help me if I read one more motivational book written by someone who can afford STAFF shame regular working people for not using their time wisely? I WILL have a book burning.

Talk is Cheap: Harness the True Power of Dialogue

We can use ‘talk’ to inform, disrupt, distract, enlighten, or even misdirect. Thus, today, I’d like for us to explore the purpose of dialogue.