Tag: what is deep pov

Deep POV: What IS It & Why Do Readers LOVE It So Much?

Deep POV is one of those subtle tricks we writers have in our magic bag. Want to sell more books? Give readers what they LOVE. What do readers LOVE? Being IN the story.

Deep POV Part 2—How to Immerse the Reader in Story

So last time we introduced Deep POV. What is it and why do readers love it? Well, as I touched on last time, I think readers love it because it’s just clean, tight writing that pulls them into the story. I also think like all other POVs that have evolved in tandem with social changes, …

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DEEP POV—What is It? Why Do Readers LOVE It?

So maybe you’re bee-bopping along on the interwebs, clicking on blogs, checking out writing resources when you see it float across your tweet deck. Or perhaps you’re at a writing conference looking all intellectual and stuff, and in the conversations this phrase deep POV keeps floating past. Deep POV. Deep POV. You keep hearing it, seeing it… …

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Getting in Character—Deep POV Part Two

When we know our characters, who they are, how they came to be, the formative experiences, we can then crawl in that skin and become that person. By us becoming that character, we then have the power to transport our reader into the skins we have fashioned.

Introducing Deep POV—WTH IS It? Can We Buy Some on Amazon?

If you are a writer who has a goal of selling books it is wise to remember that audiences are not static. They change. Their tastes change with the times and we need to understand what is “trending” if we want to connect and entertain. Many new writers look to the classics for inspiration and …

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