Tag: writing tips

Can Being Tired Make Us Better Writers?

Last month I participated in NaNoWriMo even though it’s the holidays and, as many of you know, I am battling the last vestiges of Shingles which makes me tired, like down to the BONES tired. But, lest I go crazy, I had to write, because that’s what writers do. We aren’t happy unless we are …

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Write a Terrific Novel (NaNo), Minimize Revisions, & Improve Odds of Finishing AND Publishing

If we finish, yet have written something that can never live off life-support? We are back at Square One. Though I am a fan of NaNo and Fast Draft, these tactics will work for writing ANY novel and minimize revisions.

NaNoWriMo: Know Your Weapons!

I’m once again letting Piper hijack my blog to talk about a subject near and dear to me—GUNS. Chances are, many of you are writing thrillers or suspense or knitting books that involve FIREARMS. Piper and I are NOT the people you take to an action film unless you believe—like we do—most of these movies should be classified under “Comedy.”

8 Elements to NAILING Your Plot & Owning NaNo

I promised not to leave you guys hanging with my last post. Now that I have a lot of you beating your shields ready for NaNo, I’m going to give you battle tactics to come out victorious (or maybe at least alive). Sure, NaNo is great to just learn to turn off the Inner Editor …

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Generate Nerve-Shredding Story Tension—Power of the Secret-Keeper

We all have faces we show to certain people, roles we play. We are one person in the workplace, another with family, another with friends and another with strangers. This isn’t us being deceptive in a bad way, it’s self-protection and it’s us upholding societal norms.