Tag: Piper Bayard

Hacking: The Secret Spice of Modern Storytelling

Most people think of computer invasions when they think of hacking, but any electronic item that transmits a signal can be intercepted and/or hacked.

Silencers: Outside Hollywood Movies, Not Everything Can Be ‘Silenced’

Silencers. The movie industry seems to believe one can use a silencer on everything. Another peeve for many who are in the know about guns.

Firearms: The Writer’s Guide to “Knowing Your Weapon!”

Firearms are obviously most commonly used in thrillers, but they can be used in mystery, suspense and that varied kissing cousin genres.

Writing Spies: Five Dos and Don’ts

Spy thrillers are a staple of genre fiction, and a good “Bond” never goes out of style. However, a bad “Bond” can have those in the know throwing your book out the window of an Aston Martin faster than you can shake your martini.

NaNoWriMo: Know Your Weapons!

I’m once again letting Piper hijack my blog to talk about a subject near and dear to me—GUNS. Chances are, many of you are writing thrillers or suspense or knitting books that involve FIREARMS. Piper and I are NOT the people you take to an action film unless you believe—like we do—most of these movies should be classified under “Comedy.”