Tag: becoming a professional author

Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?

darkest moment, fiction, Kristen Lamb

Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. How do we get up? And keep getting up?

Commitment Matters: The Art of Embracing ‘The SUCK’

commitment, Steven Pressfield, how to become an author, Kristen Lamb, writing

I’ve learned that we need to first, test ourselves to even have an idea of our limits. Yet, even once that’s done, never underestimate what your commitments might actually demand.

Finding Our Focus During Crazy Times: Only So Many Ducks to Give

Finding our focus has never been easy. Many of us have always lacked direction and fallen short on “clarity.” We’d multitasked ourselves into a daily fugue state long before COVID and quarantines and Zoom upended our lives.

Invoking the NO! Part 2: Guilt is a Lie & Why Boundaries Benefit EVERYONE

Last Monday I posted a blog The Linchpin of ALL Success—Invoking the NO! and I appreciate all the comments. Today I want to address some of what to expect when we make the decision to Invoke the NO, because when we are prepared for what likely WILL happen, we: a) Will be calmer because we anticipate …

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13 Things Mentally Strong Writers Don't Do

It doesn’t matter if we strive to have a healthy marriage, strong kids or a killer career, these tenets cross-apply to all areas of life. Mental toughness is a key component to being successful. Yes, even for writers.