How can we connect to an audience (readers) who will love our stories enough to buy, support and spread the word? This is the ever-present challenge on every author’s mind. If it isn’t, then it should be.
Category: Indie Publishing
Jan 13 2023
To the Pain: Is Writing a Career or a Hobby?
Feb 21 2018
Publishing Success: Genre Loyalty vs. Plot Bunny Saboteurs
Genre matters. Genre is the foundation for longevity, building a loyal fan base and also the key to unlocking all the other plot bunnies (other genres/story ideas) we’ve been dying to try out. Regardless of the publishing path we choose, genre focus is the game-changer that transitions us from published authors to powerhouse brands. Hello, …
Oct 25 2017
Kindle Unlimited: Good Plan or KU Hamster Wheel of Death?
When Amazon’s publishing program, Kindle Direct Publishing launched, many authors had high hopes. KDP promised writers a seemingly fair shot at visibility, competitiveness and better compensation. KDP and it’s Kindle Unlimited (KU) program—in theory—presented what appeared to be a more “meritocratic” chance at fame and fortune. Paid per page read. Good books would make more …
Jan 17 2014
Author Beware—What to Look for in an Indie Publisher
Writing is a lonely occupation, but for those who connect with one of the growing number of small independent publishers, it can become a bit like joining a family. There is a true sense of coming home and knowing that for all the employees of the firm, your success will be felt as their success. It’s what they come to work for and what makes dealing with them so rewarding.