What good is a brilliant novel if we don’t learn the business well enough to survive, let alone thrive? Similarly, what good does learning about finding an agent or even great marketing serve us if our product is crap?
Jul 11 2009
Deadly Sin of Writing #7—Drifting in the Doldrums
Conflict can be boiled down to somebody wants something, but then… This is the fuel that drives the machine of your story.
Jul 01 2009
Warrior Writer: Deadly Sins of Writing—Sin #6 Patronizing the Reader
I would wager that most of us do not sit up all night thinking of ways to treat our readers like they’re stupid. Yet, it does happen, and many times I believe it is a very innocent mistake. It’s as if we get so wrapped up in our story that we mentally stumble in that brief span from synapse to keyboard, and inadvertently end up treating our readers like they need a drool cup.
Jun 26 2009
What is Warrior Writer?–"Facing Down the Beast"
What exactly is Warrior Writer? People have been asking this question ever since Bob mentioned the two words together. And, to be honest, that is a good question, and a tough one to answer. …but I’ll try. Some scientists suggest that every experience we humans have from the day we are born is not …
Jun 24 2009
Warrior Writer: Deadly Sins of Writing—Sin #5 The Bog of Back-Story
Today’s blog will help you give life to great characters. How? By teaching you not to kill them.