518 results for pay

Mommie Dearest: The Mother Wound & Fiction

Toxic mother figures can inflict wounds their children carry for a lifetime. If we study the backgrounds of some of the most infamous killers in history, we see a disturbing pattern emerge when it comes to the role of mothers, especially in the early developmental years.

Small Steps & The Value of Simply SHOWING UP

Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything in life, yet they’re also the most underestimated. They are too easy to overlook or dismiss.

Fiction Filler: Bloated Writing Makes Readers Sick

Fiction filler is like fillers in food. It makes a little bit of good stuff go a lot farther, but at what cost? How much of this pink slime prose can we really get away with before readers feel ill?

Literary Larceny & Why People Should Be Ashamed

broken window, shattered glass, stealing. larceny

Literary larceny is a new ‘trend’ that is normalizing stealing from authors. Stealing from authors—or anyone for that matter—is NOT okay.

Personality Traits: Creating Dimensional Characters

Personality traits make for not only a fascinating study, but have continued to be at the heart of spirited debate since probably the dawn of time.