Tag: Amazon

Literary Larceny & Why People Should Be Ashamed

broken window, shattered glass, stealing. larceny

Literary larceny is a new ‘trend’ that is normalizing stealing from authors. Stealing from authors—or anyone for that matter—is NOT okay.

Penguin SOLD: Publishing, Change & Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Oh MY!

Penguin visionary, Sir Allen, wanted to offer books to the public for the same price as a package of ten cigarettes so consumers could afford to read.

Unplugged Book Sales: Is It Possible to Sell Books Off-Line?

hacking, Bayard & Holmes, writing tips, Kristen Lamb, thrillers, how to write thrillers

The only remaining way to sell books off the Internet (unplugged) is through the quality of the story. Problem is, when I began as an editor almost twenty years ago, the samples I received were trying to pass a NY gatekeeper. Now? Most wouldn’t pass 7th grade English.

The Winning Edge: In a Glutted Market, How Can Authors Stand Apart?

We are wanting them to READ. If we want them to read, the we need to make sure we’re valuing their limited time by offering them an escape…not a migraine. I hate saying this, and honestly never believed I ever would. But if writers would do these three things, you would outpace probably 95% of what is for sale.

Pay the Bookseller! Why C.E.O. James Daunt Won’t Save Barnes & Noble

Pay the booksellers. When the people you employ have to launch a petition to ask for a living wage, that’s a problem. Amazon capitalizes on those who fail to value the valuable. They poached the authors and they aren’t above poaching the best of B&N’s retail people and offering better PAY.