It’s Squatter’s Rights Wednesday again, and you know what that means! Well, first, it means the obligatory photo of Denny Basenji. But right after that, it means that I’m going to take the Red Pen of Wrath to a topic, and today’s topic is medicine. Specifically, medicine in fiction. Why? Because I’m tired of being …
Tag: characters
Aug 02 2017
From Margin to Mainstream: Why Erotica Matters
It’s Wednesday, which is on its way to being officially renamed in the U.S. calendar of holidays as “Cait Reynolds Blogs for Kristen Lamb” Day. Denny Basenji, however, thinks it should be renamed “Curly Tail Problems” Day. Announcing that you write erotic romances is certainly a conversation starter. Or stopper. Depending on your audience. Explaining …
Jun 23 2017
The Coup, Day 3 – Putting the Bite in Sex Scenes
It’s Day 3 of the The Coup! This post was supposed to go up yesterday, but between unexpected doctor appointments for myself (I’m fine, but my shoulder is gonna take about 5-8 weeks to heal), my 9th wedding anniversary (we forgot until Facebook reminded us LOL), and an unexpected Denny Basenji vet visit (he’s fine, …
Jun 20 2017
The Coup, Day 2: Historical Research for Fiction
It’s Cait Reynolds again, and you know what that means…muahahahahahaha Historical romance is full of strong-jawed heroes in possession of a good fortune and in want of a wife…whether they know it or not. In fact, if you add up all the fine, vast estates throughout England, you’d probably end up with a country the …